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Junaid A.B. Zaman et al. JACEP 2017;3:

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1 Junaid A.B. Zaman et al. JACEP 2017;3:393-402
Ablation of AF Sources Adjacent and Remote to PVs Causing Acute Termination to Sinus Rhythm (A) Antero-posterior bi-atrial NavX map with RA, non-PV, and PV LA sources labelled in a patient at redo ablation for PAF. (B) AF signals on ablation catheter at FIRM-mapped rotor adjacent to prior left superior PVI lesion set, where AF was terminated by FIRM-guided ablation. Black bar represents 1,000 ms. ABL = ablation catheter; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2. Junaid A.B. Zaman et al. JACEP 2017;3: 2017 American College of Cardiology Foundation

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