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SksMinus status 14 HB meeting 2008/10/16 白鳥昂太郎.

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Presentation on theme: "SksMinus status 14 HB meeting 2008/10/16 白鳥昂太郎."— Presentation transcript:

1 SksMinus status 14 HB meeting 2008/10/16 白鳥昂太郎

2 Contents SMF iron SDC2

3 SMF iron

4 Iron shield of SMF SMF (1) (2) Units (3) (1) 100 cm×50 cm×70 cm×2
Stopping/absorption points (1) Simulation m- (through) p- (Absorbed in iron) (2) Units (1) 100 cm×50 cm×70 cm×2 (2) 100 cm×50 cm×60 cm×1 (3) 100 cm×50 cm×55 cm×1 (4) 100 cm×50 cm×50 cm×1 (3) (4) SMF

5 Iron shield of SMF 70 cm 50 cm (1) (1) 50 cm (2) (3) (4) 100 cm 50 cm
Stopping/absorption points 70 cm 50 cm (1) (1) 50 cm (2) (3) (4) 100 cm 50 cm Simulation Units (1) 100 cm×50 cm×70 cm×2 (2) 100 cm×50 cm×60 cm×1 (3) 100 cm×50 cm×55 cm×1 (4) 100 cm×50 cm×50 cm×1 “Ideal” SMF iron shield (Based on 50 cm cube + 20 cm thickness parts + 10 cm thickness parts + 5 cm thickness parts)

6 Iron blocks for radiation shield
100 cm×50 cm×50 cm 50 cm×50 cm×50 cm

7 Iron blocks for radiation shield
Block-A 100 cm×50 cm×50 cm Assemble Block-B 200 cm×100 cm×70 cm wall (小池さんが頑張って作ってくれたわけはない) 100 cm×50 cm×20 cm

8 Realistic iron shield design
Main parts Block-A (100 cm×50 cm×50 cm)×5 Block-B (100 cm×50 cm×20 cm)×2 Additional parts Block-C (100 cm×50 cm×10 cm)×1 Block-D (100 cm×50 cm×5 cm)×1 ⇒Do they exist ? ⇒No ! : small blocks (20 cm×10 cm×5 cm) or to buy suitable one *To design iron shield by exist blocks (A&B)

9 Realistic design ? Type-1 (1) 100 cm×50 cm×70 cm×2
⇒70 cm part is smaller than 50 cm part parts Type-2 (1) 100 cm×50 cm×70 cm×3 (2) 100 cm×50 cm×50 cm×2 ⇒70 cm part is larger than 50 cm part Type-1 Type-2

10 Performances of realistic design
Type-1 m- eff. : 89.1% p- miss : 3.9 % Type-2 m- eff. : 87.4% p- miss : 2.2 % parts Type-1 Ideal m- eff. : 88.2% p- miss : 2.3 % Type-2で鉄を厚くした部分を通るmはそこそこ運動量が高い 鉄が厚い分、pが止まりやすい Type-2

11 How to assemble ? 4 pattern of 70 cm part 70 cm

12 Summary Are there suitable iron block ? ⇒To ask someone ?
Exist blocks can be used for the SMF iron shield. 100 cm×50 cm×50 cm×5 100 cm×50 cm×20 cm×2 Iron frame design Iron : not to buy ? SMF counter design : BT

13 SDC2

14 Test Check all channels one by one Plateau curve measurement
Logic signal counting rate w/ or w/o 90Sr source Satellite signal : Large pulse by cosmic-ray Vth dependence (noise level) : not carefully Plateau curve measurement Coincidence with plastic scintillator by 90Sr source and cosmic ray (90Sr source is collimated (Hole ~10 mm, 20 mm length)) To open SDC2 and start repairing next week

15 Plateau curve : X-plane
Plateau : 1250~1300 Ar:C2H6 = 50:50 (Potential and cathode : Same HV)

16 To do

17 Design and production Design Production SDC1 & SDC2 frame SMF frame
Iron shield BH2 and BP Production SDC2 repair BT cut and assemble for SMF SP0 frame parts STOF and SMF frame parts

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