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Passenger Mobility Statistics 21 May 2015

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1 Passenger Mobility Statistics 21 May 2015
Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics 21 May 2015 Item 4.1 of the agenda List of Harmonised Passenger Mobility Indicators Eurostat Unit E3 - Transport

2 TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015
Contents Introduction Harmonised set of indicators Definitions Recap TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

3 TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015
Introduction Eurostat's objective for the Passenger Mobility Statistics: “collect and disseminate on a regular basis a set of key most policy-relevant passenger mobility indicators in order to allow different groups of stakeholders - policy makers at European, national and regional level, researchers, academia, etc. and general public - to obtain information that is needed for monitoring of progress towards various policy objectives, be it on a European or a national level” TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

4 a harmonised set of indicators
From minimum and optimal set of indicators for different distance classes to … One set of indicators for urban/non-urban mobility and short/medium/long distance mobility “Urban mobility” & “Total mobility” allows for identification of “non-urban” or “rural” mobility (definitions to be covered later on) Distance classes: Short: 0-299km Medium: km Long: 1000km+ TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

5 Harmonised set of indicators
Key indicator listing: Share of mobile population in the total reference population Average number of trips, per person/per average day Average travel distance, per person/per average day Average total travel time, per person/per average day Passenger kilometers (pkm) Average Vehicle occupancy rate All above key indicators should be compiled by making distinction between urban mobility, non-urban mobility and between short, medium and long distance mobility for the total – according to definitions of those concepts as discussed and agreed by the Task Force. Striving for balance between what is needed and what is theoretically achievable. More detail is better, but for the purpose of the assessment of White Paper targets, the current set is sufficient. Goal: comparable data across countries TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

6 1. Share of Mobile Population in the total reference population
Definition The relative portion of those persons that are mobile in a ‘reference year’ compared to the total country population (% of trip-makers) Breakdown No specific breakdown* *in the previous version, a breakdown by age, gender and employment status was foreseen Elaboration Reference = total country Number of persons making a trip Sample of the population should be as general as possible to achieve maximal representativity – upscaling to entire population (mobile/non- mobile) should be possible TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

7 2. Average number of trips per person/per average day
Definition The average number of trips made by a person from the mobile population (a trip- maker) on an average day. Breakdown Total Main mode/type of transport Fuel type (individual vehicles only) Travel purpose The individual modes are: passenger car (driver or passenger), passenger car (taxi or shared service), motorcycle/moped, bus/coach, metro/tram, train (split up for High Speed Train, regular train and urban rail), cycling, walking, aviation (total), waterways (split up in total waterways, inland waterways vessel and maritime vessel) as well as the category “other”. The individual fuel types are: petrol, diesel, petrol-hybrid, diesel-hybrid, Electric Vehicle (E.V.), LPG, CNG, Hydrogen as well as the category “other”. The individual travel purposes are: work, education, shopping, personal business, professional, leisure as well as the category “other”. TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

8 3. Average travel distance per person/per average day
Definition The average travel distance in kilometres that is made by a person from the mobile population on an average day. Breakdown Total Main mode/type of transport Fuel type (individual vehicles only) Travel purpose Conversion factors for land and nautical miles included TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

9 4. Average travel time per person/per average day
Definition The average travel time in minutes that is made by a person from the mobile population on an average day. Breakdown Total Main mode/type of transport Fuel type (individual vehicles only) Travel purpose Waiting time before the use of a transport is included TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

10 5. Passenger kilometres for all mobile population per year
Definition The total travel distance in kilometres that is made by all persons within the mobile population in a reference year. Breakdown Total Main mode/type of transport Fuel type (individual vehicles only) Travel purpose TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

11 6. Vehicle occupancy rate
Definition The average number of persons travelling in a passenger vehicle on a reference year. Breakdown By passenger vehicle type: Passenger car Bus/coach Metro/tram Train Pkm per mode divided by vkm per mode Individual questionaires: only car (private/taxi) requested TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

12 Definitions and terminology
General definitions Average day: National definition up to MS, output should reflect average day Distance classes: 0-299km, km, 1000km+ (in accordance with Transport White Paper) Fuel type: The type of fuel (energy carrier) used in a vehicle: petrol, diesel, petrol-hybrid, diesel-hybrid, Electric Vehicle (E.V.), LPG, CNG, Hydrogen, other Main mode of travel: The mode within a trip that is used for most of the distance Mobile population: The part of the total country population that is mobile on an ‘average day’ Purpose (also travel purpose, trip purpose, travel motive, trip motive): The main purpose of a trip without which the trip would not have occurred with the distinction between: work (commuting), education, shopping, personal business, professional, leisure, other. Travel purpose other: possibly extract motive « escorting », share could be 6-9% TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

13 Definitions and terminology
General definitions Rail Mode: Grouping option: high speed train (i.e. TGV, ICE, etc.), regular train, urban rail (metro, boxcar, RER, S-Bahn, etc.) Reference population: The reference population for NTS is the entire country population. Stage: A stage is an uninterrupted movement making use of a transport mode, including any waiting time directly before or during the movement. A stage is defined by one single mode of transport. If a change of mode of transport takes place, this means that another stage is initiated upon the change of transport modes.Main mode of travel: Travel mode: All modes of transport used during a trip or journey: different vehicle types Travel time The time spent travelling from the moment of departure to the moment of arrival. The travel time includes the time spent waiting between two successive stages. TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

14 Definitions and terminology
General definitions Trip: A trip is defined as change in location made in one or a series of stages. Vehicle categories: Grouping: passenger car (driver or passenger, taxi or shared service), motorcycle/moped, bus/coach, metro/tram, train (split up for High Speed Train, regular train and urban rail), cycling, walking, aviation (total), waterways (split up in total waterways, inland waterways vessel and maritime vessel) as well as the category “other”. TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

15 Definitions and terminology
Specific terminology: “urban area” and “urban mobility” Urban area: 3 potential definitions OECD definition: “Larger Urban Zone” as City + Commuting Zone EC definition: “degree of urbanisation” (DEGURBA) Eurostat/ITF/UNECE definition: “urban area” Urban mobility: 5 methodologies Exact geocoding Direct question to respondents Maximum trip distance Combination Another method Suggested solution: definition 1, methodology 1 Definition 1 has repercussions for data collection methodology (GPS tracking, privacy,…) Combination method could also be preferable TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

16 Recap: changes due to feedback on the first draft
Structural changes Need for a clear distinction between urban and non-urban that cannot be provided by the indicators by distance class Urban and total indicators Indicators by distance class Coherency issues between minimum and optimal sets for all categories, the need to introduce the purpose in minimal, and the multiplication of indicator sets and questionnaires No more minimal and optimal Merge of Annex 2 and 3 TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

17 Recap: changes due to feedback on the first draft
Changes in definitions Mobile population vs. Total population As the results based on mobile population are more comparable between countries (SHANTI findings), the indicators to be sent to Eurostat should be based on mobile population i.e. trip-makers Average day versus week days/weekend As the option of average reference day may introduce uncertainties, the split between week days and weekend is preferred Urban mobility = local mobility of urban residents On the assumption that urban residents are travelling more in urban areas, the respondent's residence will be main factor determining urban mobility, together with a distance threshold which should be adapted to the size of the city TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

18 Recap: changes due to feedback on the first draft
Changes in definitions OECD/EC vs. DEGURBA The OECD/EC definition of urban areas is the suggested option. It seems to be better adapted to this survey, it is used in the urban audit and is MS preferred option Pkm attribution for mobility by distance class Territorialising of traveling is very difficult the distance travelled will be attributed to the respondents origin. Other minor changes and clarifications Fuel list Drop of activity Clarification of stage Urban mobility by rail covers train/tram/metro TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

19 - Thank you for your attention -
TF Passenger Mobility 21 May 2015

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