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Psychology 137C: Intimate Relationships Week 3, Lecture 2: Attraction

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1 Psychology 137C: Intimate Relationships Week 3, Lecture 2: Attraction
Reminders: Seriously, start thinking about your paper, due May 19th. Writing it the night before is no fun.

2 Three Questions Why do we like other people?
Why are we romantically attracted to other people? How do we form intimate relationships with other people?

3 The Reward Theory of Liking
We like people who are likely to reward us. Ability to reward us: Proximity/familiarity Personality/pratfall effect Similarity/phantom other technique Motivation to reward us: Reciprocity The importance of discrimination

4 From Like to “Really Like”
What’s the first and easiest thing you can notice about a potential partner? How much does physical attractiveness matter? The computer dating studies The matching hypothesis Why is physical attractiveness so powerful?

5 Reward Theory Revisited
Are we ever attracted to people who don’t reward us? Why does this ever happen?

6 From Attraction to Relationship
Do our preferences predict our mating behavior? The Speed Dating Study The Twin Study Why is starting a relationship different from choosing furniture?

7 The Dance of Mate Selection
Signaling proceptivity Behavioral interdependence Disclosure reciprocity The dance is highly sensitive to context! Dutton and Aron (1974)

8 Final Thoughts Is attraction like chemistry, or like the weather?
Does knowing how relationships start help us to understand how they succeed and fail over time?

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