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Questionnaire on progress in preparing reports under Nature Directives

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1 Questionnaire on progress in preparing reports under Nature Directives
Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 09 March 2018 Questionnaire on progress in preparing reports under Nature Directives

2 Questionnaire results (1)
Article 12 and Article 17 monitoring Article 12 Article 17

3 Questionnaire results (2)
Problems related to reported information Article 12 - species trends (mainly long-term and within the Natura 2000), hunting bags, pressures and measures due to new codelist Article 17 - structure and functions - condition of habitat, habitat and species trends (overall and within the Natura 2000) not robust, FRVs, population size in new units, habitat for the species sufficiency, pressures and measures due to new codelist

4 Questionnaire results (3)
Timeliness of delivery SDF update - organisation and stuff issues (including networking with experts and partners), contribution from federal states, reporting tools

5 Review plan of the nature reporting – update 8
Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 09 March 2018 Review plan of the nature reporting – update 8

6 Review plan, principal deadlines
Delivery Art. 12: 31 July 2019 (cut-off: 31 October 2019) 2. Delivery Art. 17: 30 April (cut-off date: 30 August 2019) 3. IT tools: mid 2018 4. CDR ready end 2018 5. Final Guidelines ready: 2nd quarter 2017 6. Near final Guidelines: end 2016 (section on FRVs to be finalised in 2017) 7. Formats approved by the Committees: November 2016 8. Addressing issues, drafting and discussing proposals: st Q 2017

7 Worked examples, reference portals, helpdesk
Further worked examples FRV – last meeting of the ad hoc group 17/04/2018 Will be available on the Reference portals spring 2018 Reference portals Portals for the Art 12 and Art 17 Last updated: February 2018 Nature reporting helpdesk and FAQs Helpdesk available summer 2017 FAQ - 1st questions and replies February 2018

8 Pressures and threats, measures and other codelists
Lists of pressures and threats and of conservation measures Crosswalks with pressures (activities) for WFD and MSFD reporting and with P&T used in February 2018 Other codelists Art 12 & Art 17 codelists available summer-autumn 2017 Later updates (pop. units, HD species codelist) early 2018

9 Checklists Article 12 and Article 17 checklists Revised checklists
April 2018 Further changes possible but ideally by Article 12: Article 17: February 2019 December 2018 List of species with international or multilateral plans Amending with examples and specific guidance Spring 2018

10 Technical specifications and IT tools (1)
IT tools and Central Data Repository (CDR) Test version of the Article 17 tool 07/03/2018 Test version of the Article 12 tool April 2018 Range tool (test version) Version of tools for preparing the reports by July 2018 CDR available for testing Q4 2018

11 Technical specifications and IT tools (2)
Technical documents related to reporting datasets XML schemas March 2018 Delivery manuals for tabular and GIS data April 2018 Data validation (QAQC) rules December 2018

12 New/revised reference material on reference portals
Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 09 March 2018 New/revised reference material on reference portals

13 Reference portals and nature reporting helpdesk (1)
Article 12: Article 17: Nature reporting helpdesk: News: Article 17 tool (test version), List of pressures and threats, List of conservation measures, List of pressures and threats - corresponding pressures from reporting, Frequently asked questions, Instructions for amending the Article 17 species codelist and for updating the list of typical species,

14 Pressures and threats, measures
The pressures dealing with invasive alien and problematic species were revised in line with IAS regulation in February 2018 Version 2.1 ( ) Version 2.3 ( ) I01 Invasive alien species of Union concern I02 Other invasive alien species (other then species of Union concern) I03 Other alien species (not invasive) I04 Problematic native species I01 Invasive alien species of Union concern I02 Other invasive alien species (other then species of Union concern) I03 Plant and animal pathogens and pests I04 Problematic native species Further improvement of descriptions are possible to e.g. reflect the guidance given in the FAQs.

15 Amending list of species codes
Following the described procedure is important as deliveries with non-valid species codes will not be accepted by the CDR Additional species codes and species names will only be attributed for new species; not for synonyms of already included species (nationally used synonyms can be provided in addition to the recommended name) SPECIES CODELIST The valid codes and names for Habitats Directive species as indicated in the Article 17 check list The valid codes and names to be used for additional optional reports for distinct species of Cladonia subgenus Cladina, Lycopodium spp. and Sphagnum The valid codes and names to be used for additional optional reports for distinct species for which a joint report is expected

16 Thank you for your attention!

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