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CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

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1 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Last Time Simplification for LOD Progressive Meshes Runtime LOD 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

2 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Today Terrain Creation Rendering 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

3 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Terrain Terrain is obviously important to many games As a model, it is very large Creating every point explicitly by hand is not feasible, so automated terrain generation methods are common When rendering, some of the terrain is close, and other parts are far away, leading to terrain LOD algorithms 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

4 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Representing Terrain The base representation for terrain is usually a height field z=f(x,y) for (x,y) within the limits of the space Precludes things like caves and overhangs, which must be treated specially There are two common ways to represent the function f(x,y) Explicitly store the value of f(x,y) for a discrete grid of (x,y) locations Generally interpolate (bilinear) or triangulate to get points not on the grid Easy to figure out what the height of the terrain is at any given (x,y) Expensive to store the entire terrain Store a polygonal mesh Cheaper if the terrain has large flat areas Harder to figure out what the height is under the player (have to know which triangle they are in) 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

5 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Terrain LOD As you have heard by now, terrain poses problems for static LOD methods Must have high resolution in the near field, and low resolution in the distance, all in one model Dynamic LOD methods are the answer All based on the idea of cuts through a tree of potential simplifications We will discuss the ROAM algorithm in detail Other continuous LOD algorithms are similar in style An alternative is to create fixed LODs for sub-regions and figure out how to join them at the seams 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

6 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Terrain is Easier! Assumption: We are starting with a height field defined on a regular grid Assume it’s a square to make it easier We can mesh it by forming triangles with the data points The data is highly structured Every data point has the same number of neighbors Every triangle can be the same size Hence, the tree of possible simplifications is very regular Still, multiple possibilities exist for the triangulation and the simplification operations 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

7 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Triangle Bintrees Binary trees in which: Each node represents a right-angled isosceles triangle Each node has two children formed by splitting from the right angle vertex to the midpoint of the baseline The leaf nodes use vertices from the original height field Another way to build a spatial partitioning tree, but particularly well suited to simplification algorithms Easy to maintain neighbor information Easy to avoid T-vertices 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

8 Triangle Bintree Example
3 1 4 6 1 2 2 5 3 4 5 6 8 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 10 14 9 11 12 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

9 Bintree Data Structure
Parent and child pointers Neighbors A left neighbor, a right neighbor, and a base neighbor Note that the base and right angle give us a way to orient the triangle Neighbors are not necessarily at your own level Later, error bounds that say how much variation in height there is in your children 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

10 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Cuts 3 1 4 6 1 2 2 5 3 4 5 6 8 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 9 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

11 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Neighbors 5: left neighbor 6, right neighbor 9 6: left neighbor 8, right neighbor 5 7: left neighbor 8, base neighbor 10 8: base neighbor 6, right neighbor 7 9: base neighbor 5, left neighbor 10 10: base neighbor 7, right neighbor 9 8 7 10 6 9 5 Note that 8 is 6’s left neighbor but 6 is 8’s base neighbor If you are someone’s left/right/base neighbor they are not always your right/left/base neighbor In other words, neighbors need not come from the same level in the tree 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

12 Not All Cuts Are Created Equal
3 1 1 2 4 6 2 3 4 5 6 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 7 10 Note the T-vertex - causes cracks in rendering 9 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

13 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Generating Cuts Cuts are generated by a sequence of split or merge steps Split: Drop the cut below to include your children Merge: Lift the cut up above two children To avoid T-vertices, some splits lead to other, forced, splits An LOD algorithm chooses which steps to apply to generate a particular triangle count or error rate 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

14 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
A Split A split cuts a triangle in two by splitting its base edge If the base edge is on a boundary, just split, as shown If the base edge is shared, additional splits are forced Add a new triangle to the mesh 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

15 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Forced Splits Triangles are always split along their base Hence, must also be able to split the base neighbor Requires neighbors to be mutual base neighbors If they are not base neighbors, even more splits are needed Simple recursive formulation 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

16 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Merges A diamond is a merge candidate if the children of it’s members are in the triangulation The children of the 7-10 diamond below are candidates Look for parents of sibling leaf nodes that are base neighbors or have no base neighbors Reduces the triangle count 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 7 10 9 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

17 Refinement LOD Algorithm
Start with the base mesh Repeatedly split triangles until done Stop when a specific triangle count is reached, or … Stop when error is below some amount To guide the split order, assign priorities to each split and always do the one with the highest priority After each split, update priorities of affected triangles Sample priority: High priority to splits that will reduce big errors What is the complexity of this? (Roughly) A similar algorithm works by simplifying the mesh through merge operations. Why choose one over the other? 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

18 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Refinement Notes If the priorities are monotonic, then the resulting terrain is optimal Monotonic: Priorities of children are not larger than that of their parent Priorities can come from many sources: In or out of view, silhouette, projected error, under a vehicle, line of sight, … Does not exploit coherence: As the view moves over the terrain, the triangulation isn’t likely to change much We should be able to start with the existing triangulation, and modify it to produce the new optimal triangulation 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

19 Dual Queue Optimization
Have the split queue, as before Have a merge queue: Queue of potential merges, with priority as the max of the split priority for the triangles in each merge Repeat until target size/accuracy and the max split priority is less than the min merge priority If the mesh is too large/accurate, do the optimal merge Update data structures appropriately Otherwise, do the optimal split 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

20 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Why Does it Work? The merge queue priorities tell you how much error you would add by doing each merge The split queue tells you how much error you would remove by doing each split A merge frees up two triangles, while a split takes at least one If you can free some triangles with a merge and use them with a more effective split, then you win The min in the merge queue is the least error you can add with a merge The max in the split queue is the most error you can remove with a split If you can trade a split for a merge and save some error, then do it 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

21 Projected Error Metrics
Idea is to figure out how far a sequence of merges moves the terrain from its original correct location Measured in screen space, which is what the viewer sees Start with bounds in world space, and then project the bounds at run-time World space bounds are view independent Projected screen space bounds are view dependent 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

22 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
World Space Bounds With terrain, merge only moves points up or down Bound how far a point can move with a wedgie A bintree triangle extruded up and down to contain its children Defined by d, the thickness of the extrusion Fast to compute, so works for dynamic terrain Important for explosion craters and the like d 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

23 Performance Bottlenecks
Storing and managing priorities for out-of-view triangles is a waste of time Do standard frustum culling to identify them Sending individual triangles is wasteful Build strips as triangles are split and merged Naively, at every frame, wedgies must be projected, new priorities computed and the queues re-sorted Use the viewer’s velocity to bound the number of frames before a priority could possibly make it to the top of a heap Delay recomputation until then Priority queue: Bin priorities to reduce sorting cost At low priorities, order within bins doesn’t matter 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

24 Additional Enhancements
Stop processing after a certain amount of time Easily done: just stop processing the next split or merge Result no longer optimal, but probably not bad Cost of dual queue algorithm depends on the number of steps required to change one mesh into another Check ahead of time how many steps might be required If too may, just rebuild mesh from scratch using refinement algorithm Can get accurate line-of-sight or under-vehicle height by manipulating priorities to force certain splits 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

25 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Other Algorithms Algorithm from Lindstrom et al is essentially the same idea as the ROAM refinement algorithm Based on square blocks of (triangulated) terrain Makes determining forced splits harder Slightly different error bounds An algorithm from the game community: For a particular split operation, the viewer distance is the primary error factor For each split, store distance at which it should occur Check current mesh on each frame for splits/merges according to viewer distance Non-optimal, but gets rid of priority queues (the big cost) 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

26 CS679 - Fall 2003 - Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin
Todo By Monday, Oct 20, Stage 3 goals By Monday, Nov 3, Stage 3 demo 10/16/03 CS679 - Fall Copyright Univ. of Wisconsin

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