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Presentation on theme: "MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVING PRACTICES."— Presentation transcript:


2 The experts say there are 150,000,000 people in the United States who know how to drive and are licensed to do so? If you believe that 150,000,000 million people in the United States of America know how to drive correctly, then I’ve got some Enron stock for you to buy.

3 There are approximately 45,000 fatalities per year!
The number of people who died in vehicle accidents each year hit a high in 1972 of 56,278 people. The number of deaths had dropped steadily until a few years ago and is now starting to creep back up. The good news is that the death rate per 100,000,000 miles driven has dropped consistently from a high of in 1923 to a current level of about The bad news; we will kill between thirty-five and forty-five thousand men, women, and children on our roads this year. There were drastic change in the death rates in 1942 and 1974, over the previous year. Can you give me the reason for these anomalies?

4 Ask David & Jack 1,700,000 Disabling Injuries
Another driver crossed the centerline and hit David head on causing his own death and David to be off work for over a year with continued pain and suffering. About 10% of rural fatalities are the result of someone crossing the centerline. Jack continues to recover from a motorcycle accident. About 2% of the total road miles are on motor cycles whole cycle riders account for 7% of the fatalities (16 times the per mile death rate for occupants of other types of vehicles). Helmet use, cut the death rate by 20-40%.

5 Reported property damage accidents per year.
18,200,000 Reported property damage accidents per year. To the tune of 48.6 billion $ There are about 18,200,000 reported property damage accidents per year costing the American public about $48,600,000,000.

6 19,300,000 total accidents involving over 33,000,000 drivers!
It is approximated that there are actually about 19,300,000 accidents involving about 33,000,000 people. You see by the numbers that each accident can involve more than one person. Like that recent fog related accident in California that involved about 127 vehicles and 250 people.

7 1,650,000,000,000 miles driven. Which means there is an accident for every 85,500 mile driven. There are many factors affecting the death rates in the US, including increased number of vehicles, increased population, which translates to more crowding on the highways and more road rage. I also believe the lack of public courtesy translates to a decrease in driver courtesy.

8 It costs the average auto owner $2,950 to operate a vehicle per year.
It cost the average truck operator $9,519 to operate their vehicle per year. It costs the average auto owner $2,950 to operate a vehicle per year. The car is a luxury that we treat as a necessity. Sixty years ago, most people lived within walking distance of their work. Today, the vast majority of Americans commute to work. With the most people driving their own vehicle to work it’s no wonder the average annual bill for operating a vehicle is almost $3000 dollars.

9 You are six times more likely to have a fatal wreck off the job as you are on the job. Yet injury from vehicle accidents is the second leading cause of absenteeism. 57% of the killed and 57% of those injured in vehicle wrecks are gainfully employed. On an annual basis all but about 4% of the adults between the ages of 21 and 65 are gainfully employed.

10 Physical condition Good eyesight Good heart Good nights sleep
Good drinking habits

11 Speed What makes you a better than average driver? Backing
Traffic Lights Smooth Speed Signaling Smooth does reflect your style in dealing with the opposite sex; and it refers to your ability to shift, start the vehicle and stop the vehicle without looking like it’s your first day on the job. Signaling requires more than telepathy on the part of the driver; it requires correct positioning of the vehicle, correct speed, using hand signals if required, and the vehicles turn signals. Give the other driver a clue as to what you are going to do. Turning turning properly is also very important. Avoiding button hook turns, where you go left to turn right can save problems for the vehicle coming up behind you on the right. Turn from the correct lane. Don’t make sudden turns. Check your mirrors and blind spots before turning. Traffic Lights are becoming a major source of driver irritation. There are so many of them and must be why so many drivers ignore them. Before starting out at a traffic signal, check for red runners. Backing is one of the most difficult tasks a vehicle operator faces. Backing is not unlike closing your eyes and driving. The best way to back a vehicle is with help. If you must back a vehicle by yourself do it from the driver side whenever possible. And if you’re not sure what’s behind you, get out and look. Speed is a determining factor in a large percentage of fatal crashes. Controlling Speed is a hard thing for the average driver to do. The tendency is to drive at or above the posted speed limit or to drive at the same speed as the driver in front of us. All other driving skills are dependent on speed. The driver who is very good at keeping their vehicle between the lines is still likely to have an accident if they drive too fast for traffic, road, or weather conditions.

12 At seventy miles per hour it will take your vehicle over one tenth of a mile (540’) to stop. On ice it take 540’ to stop if you’re driving thirty-five miles per hour. Speed doesn’t kill; operators driving at the wrong speed for the conditions, kill.

13 Test What is the two second rule?
What is the safe following distance rule for a truck with a trailer? What is the distance that a vehicle hauling hazardous materials must maintain from the rails when stopping at a RXR crossing.









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