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Marketing Aspects and Principles

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Aspects and Principles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Aspects and Principles

2 Objectives History of marketing Define marketing
Discuss the importance of Marketing Marketing process Describe components of a Marketing plan Provide keys marketing concepts

3 Historical background
19th century : 1 market Limited products 20th century

4 What is marketing? • “identifying and satisfying consumer needs”

5 What are Consumers’ Needs, Wants, and Demands?

6 This Is a Need Needs - state of felt deprivation including physical, social, and individual needs.

7 Types of Needs Physical: Social: Spiritual
Food, clothing, shelter, safety Social: Belonging, affection Spiritual ( ISLAM)

8 This Is a Want Wants - form that a human need takes, as shaped by culture and individual personality.

9 This Is Demand Wants Buying Power “Demand”


11 Game

12 Why do it? 􀁺 Approximately 80% of new products and
businesses fail within three years after they reach the market

13 Why Businesses Fail (The 3 Ms)
􀁺 Money - sufficient operating capital and cash flow Management - skills and experience Marketing - knowing and accessing your customer

14 Basic definitions Advertising Promotion Publicity Public Relation (PR) Sales Marketing Circus example

15 Overlapping concepts The selling concept The marketing concept


17 • The selling concept:  “Consumers will not buy enough of your product if you leave them alone” Focus nokia

18  “Foundation = market = people = needs”
• The marketing concept:  “Foundation = market = people = needs” Integrating all the organization’s activities, including promotion, to satisfy these wants. Focus

19 Marketing conception focuses on needs and goals rather than products
Product Market oriented oriented 7up “ A bottle containing “Obey your thirst” a drink “ Danon “ our product is healthy” “ Fat vs Thin “ Carrier “ our AC is durable” A story

20 What are examples of good [bad] marketing?
McDonald's vs Jollibie BAD • Commercials that don’t tell you what the product is • Boring song (Amazon’s commercial) Commercial in the middle of a classic film segment

21 Capture value from customers in return
A Simple Model of the Marketing Process Needs , wants , demands Exchange and transaction Products Value , cost & satisfaction Capture value from customers in return Marketers and prospects Markets

22 Capture value from customers in return
A Simple Model of the Marketing Process Exchange and transaction Needs , wants , demands Products Value , cost & satisfaction Capture value from customers in return Marketers and prospects Markets

23 Product as an Idea Products do not have to be physical objects. Here the “product” is an idea—protecting animals.

24 Marketing Myopia Sellers pay more attention to the specific products they offer than to the benefits and experiences produced by the products. They focus on the “wants” and lose sight of the “needs.”

25 Capture value from customers in return
A Simple Model of the Marketing Process Exchange and transaction Needs , wants , demands Products Value , cost & satisfaction Capture value from customers in return Marketers and prospects Markets

26 Value and Satisfaction
Expectation Performance 10 8 Expectation Performance 8 10 Overall value = Benefits / costs

27 Capture value from customers in return
A Simple Model of the Marketing Process Exchange and transaction Needs , wants , demands Products Value , cost & satisfaction Capture value from customers in return Marketers and prospects Markets

28 Exchange & Transaction
Act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return. A trade of values between two parties. One party gives X to another party and gets Y in return. Can include cash, credit, check, or barter.

29 Capture value from customers in return
A Simple Model of the Marketing Process Exchange and transaction Needs , wants , demands Products Value , cost & satisfaction Capture value from customers in return Marketers and prospects Markets

30 What is a Market? The set of actual and potential buyers of a product.
These people share a need or want that can be satisfied through exchange relationships.

31 Capture value from customers in return
A Simple Model of the Marketing Process Exchange and transaction Needs , wants , demands Products Value , cost & satisfaction Capture value from customers in return Marketers and prospects Markets

32 Marketers and Customers
Marketer types: - Creative marketer Responsive marketer Customer types: Potential customer Actual customer



35 Components of a Marketing Plan

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