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Summit 2016 Planning and Preparation

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1 Summit 2016 Planning and Preparation
June 15, 2016 The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education #H326T However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Teaching Research Institute, nor the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jo Ann McCann.

2 Outcomes for Today’s Webinar
Understanding of: Purpose of DB Summit 2016 Develop action steps for TA and implementation nationally to build a stronger DB Network Process of further preparation for Summit NCDB’s recent work: Rationale for undertaking clarification of vision and values Review of steps taken to date to draft a vision and identify shared values Post-Summit plans DB Network needs assessment Susan

3 Strategically Moving Forward…
NCDB Visioning (APRIL/MAY 2016) Summit (JULY 2016) Network Action Plan (FALL 2016) OSEP Priorities (2017) Effective, Efficient, Learning, Collaborating DB Network Built on a Shared Vision Susan

4 What is the Plan? Summit webinar #1
Opportunities for vision contribution (Portal) Summary post on Network feedback to Linda (Portal) Small group vision opportunities (adobe week of 7/11) Summit webinar #2 – Initiative updates Project reflection in preparation for DB Summit (Portal) DB Summit 2016 Post DB Summit Report out of aggregated information Needs Assessment Webinar Product that tells the story Sam

5 Conversations with State Projects
Purpose of conversations Conversations with 31 State Projects 12 more scheduled (for total of 91 % response) How this will impact Summit activities Insights and ideas from calls Communication is key for effective and efficient networking We are all differently skilled at using media to communicate (consider ”Communication Matrix” framework as an analogy) The agency where a state project is located makes a difference in assets and challenges; so does the structure of the service system Overlaying network Initiative efforts/outcomes with individual state TA plan sometimes works well and is sometimes tough Linda

6 Getting Here A talk in the wiki

7 “Managing Complex Change” Lippitt 1987
Susan Reactive vs Proactive STRATEGIC CHANGE

8 Vision and Values Reason for doing this work
strengthen and unite the network Vision statement #1 Children who are deaf-blind have access to the best of knowledge and practice to ensure quality educational outcomes and meaningful life experiences. To meet the needs of this low-incidence and diverse population, a national network, through shared leadership and collaboration, creates a sustainable system supporting families, and service providers in the delivery of services by knowledgeable and qualified personnel. Linda

9 Vision Statement #2 Opportunities for feedback State Portal
Children with deaf-blindness, their parents and the professionals who serve them, will receive the knowledge and practice needed to prepare their children to achieve full integration and participation in society including education, employment and community living. To meet the needs of this low-incidence and diverse population, a national network, through shared leadership and collaboration, will create a sustainable system of high quality, coordinated support services by knowledgeable and qualified personnel. Opportunities for feedback State Portal Face to face opportunities Linda

10 Next Steps Watch for messaging Use Portal to comment on the vision
Participate on the small groups related to vision if you choose Calendar July 20th for planning webinar #2 Sam

11 Thank You!

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