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Hosted by Dr. Jarusiewicz

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1 Hosted by Dr. Jarusiewicz
Jeopardy Hosted by Dr. Jarusiewicz

2 1st Settlements Early Food Production Farm & Trade Questions 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 die from not having enough
starve die from not having enough food Row 1, Col 1

4 Tried different things
experiemented Tried different things 1,2

5 population Total number of people 1,3

6 How was the life of early people different from nomadic life?
They created settlements. How was the life of early people different from nomadic life? 1,4

7 preparing soil, planting & harvesting crops, and raising animals
agriculture preparing soil, planting & harvesting crops, and raising animals 2,1

8 Raising animals to help humans
domestication Raising animals to help humans 2,2

9 Places where as many as several hundred early people lived permanently
villages Places where as many as several hundred early people lived permanently 2,3

10 Why was the life of a hunter-gatherer risky? (4 reasons)
Dangerous, always moving, weather, no surplus Why was the life of a hunter-gatherer risky? (4 reasons) 2,4

11 Ways or methods of doing things
techniques Ways or methods of doing things 3,1

12 moist Damp or wet 3,2

13 conflicts Struggles or battles 3,3

14 How did settlements make life better?
Had shelter, agriculture and surplus food How did settlements make life better? (3 answers) 3,4

15 More than enough or left-over
surplus More than enough or left-over 4,1

16 Preparing farm land by curring down and burning trees
Slash and Burn Preparing farm land by curring down and burning trees 4,2

17 A hard, black rock created by volcanoes
obsidian A hard, black rock created by volcanoes 4,3

18 What were some things used to help plants grow? (2 answers)
Slash and burn (ashes), moist soil What were some things used to help plants grow? (2 answers) 4,4

19 Methods or ways of doing things
techniques Methods or ways of doing things 5,1

20 Type of corn grown in the Americas
maize Type of corn grown in the Americas 5,2

21 Where does obsidian come from?
volcanoes Where does obsidian come from? 5,3

22 What were some problems villages faced?
Disease, more land for food, conflicts What were some problems villages faced? (2-3 answers) 5,4

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