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Eran Raichstein Tivoli Storage Manager Fast Back (FilesX) Technical Overview May 5th 2009 SYSTOR 2009 Eran Raichstein

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1 Eran Raichstein
Tivoli Storage Manager Fast Back (FilesX) Technical Overview May 5th SYSTOR 2009 Eran Raichstein

2 Agenda FilesX Company Overview (TSM FastBack)
TSM FastBack Technology Overview Protection Highlights Recovery Highlights TSM FastBack Roadmap Multi Platform Support De-Duplication Highlights

3 FilesX overview Founded in 2000
Privately held company with 44 employees Headquartered in Newton, MA Development lab in Haifa, Israel 100+ customers across major segments including government, finance, healthcare, education and manufacturing Existing IBM technology partnerships Oren Wolf told me, we're getting more inquiries than ever imagined. Good complement to IBM portfolio and provides a way for technology to leverage IBM’s marketing / sales organization Experiences at Pulse List of cool vendors by Gartner Speaker notes: Mention a few key bullets, including existing IBM technology partnerships and patent for instant recovery The approximate employee numbers at each FilesX site are: US Israel 26 Total employees 44 The FilesX development team will remain in Haifa as part of IBM's R&D Labs in Israel. IBM is continuing its investment in the technical talent within the Israel communities where IBM has Research, Software Group and Systems and Technology Group Labs. As the recent acquisitions demonstrate, Israel provides a rich set of intellectual capital in storage and other business solutions that extend the value of the IBM product portfolio. In addition, the Haifa Research Lab has made notable contributions to IBM's intellectual property with more than 300 patent applications filed and close to 800 disclosures written over the past 3 years alone. With the growth and synergy of the IBM Israel team, there is great potential for collaborative efforts to rapidly advance the value of our innovative solutions.

4 Block Level Incremental Forever
Production Disk Frequent Block Level Incremental snapshots can take only seconds or minutes to complete Bandwidth efficient data movement makes frequent snapshots and CDP practical Very little impact to the production server or the network Block level incremental is used for application protection as well as protecting files Excellent performance Application or File server FastBack Server Incremental backups are Block-Level, not file-level. Only the blocks that have changed since the last incremental snapshot are backed up

5 FastBack - Typical Deployment - Remote Office Protection (With TSM)
Application Servers / File Servers Data Center TSM is the workhorse in the Data Center Vault/DR Site Application Servers / File Servers FastBack Server TSM Server Tape Vault WAN Remote Office Application Servers / File Servers FastBack Server and DR HUB Server Tape Library FastBack Server

6 Continuous Data Protection (CDP)
True Block level CDP (I/O Based) Can achieve zero RPO Delta from (incremental) snapshots Set RPO per application Configurable protection periods Enabled per volume Intuitive GUI Remember CDP is a feature of the product, the product is more than CDP Protects Windows Filesystem and Windows Applications Single backup solution offers: CDP Frequent Snapshot Scheduled Protection

7 FastBack Bare Machine Recovery (BMR)
Takes less than an hour Full access within minutes With Instant Restore technology, data volumes are made available as soon as the recovery process starts Support for dissimilar hardware Recover on a similar server, to a completely different server, or to a Virtual Machine “N-to-1” standby server ratio: One standby server can provide cover for many production servers Cost-effective ‘high availability’ alternative

8 Mount Snapshots as a Virtual Volume
Quickly mount any snapshot volume from the local or remote (replicated) repository, as a virtual volume on the server (read-only) Mount snapshots into virtual volumes, without actually restoring the files. Example use: MS SQL table restore You can mount virtual volume with a backed up database and recover anything you need without restoring the volume to disk. When a database is backed up it resides on the FastBack repository, so a virtual volume containing the database can be mounted on any SQL server. Mount a backup volume and attach the database to SQL without the need to restore. User can manipulate data using native database tool Xpress Restore also provides very unique Virtual Recovery technology. With Xpress Mount and Instant Restore software, our client software that can be loaded on any computer, snapshots can be accessed from anywhere for operational or Disaster Recovery. Simply open Xpress Mount, browse for a local branch snapshot repository or a WAN based central snapshot vault at the main data center. Select the desired repository, the back-up policy, volume and point in time. You can click the Xpress Mount button to instantly mount the selected volume snapshot as a virtual drive letter for restoration. You can then browse the entire volume in CIFS in real time as a local drive and restore any files you need. If you need to recover a volume and restart application services immediately in an outage scenario, select the Instant Restore button and re-start services by re-directing host server read requests to the selected snapshot while the snapshot data is being copied back to the production volume in the background. Both of these scenarios are now WAN enabled, which means you can perform both Xpress Mount and Instant Restore operations from either a local branch snapshot, or a centrally stored snapshot that might be thousands of miles away. Access from anywhere Select any saved snapshot Any point in time Mount as a Virtual Drive

9 Instant Recovery New Production Typical Production Disk Disk
Instant Restore allows users to start using applications on the same disk to which the volume is being restored, while the restore operation is still in process. 1. Activate Instant Restore 2. Background Process restores blocks gradually 3. Write IOs are performed as usual 4. Read IOs from un-recovered areas create restore on demand 5. All other reads are performed as usual New Production Disk Typical Production Disk Production server FastBack Server New Production server

10 FastBack Exchange IMR Restore Item Level Recovery for Exchange
Item Level Recovery of MS-Exchange Explorer-like GUI messages & attachments Contacts and calendars Tasks and notes Mailboxes Recover objects from corrupt EDBs Supports Microsoft Exchange: 2000 2003 2007 Note: FastBack provides automatic discovery of volumes associated with Exchange and SQL Greatly improves the efficiency of Exchange administrators Provide object restores in minutes rather than hours, days Helps administrator raise SLA’s by eliminating downtime

11 FastBack DR – Disaster Recovery
Central Vaulting of Backup Copies Backup consolidation Disaster ready Block-level, incremental forever Centralized backup to tape End-to-end security Encryption in transit Individual Virtual Vault for each office Scheduled, policy-based transfers Optimize WAN resources Fully Automated No manual intervention required Recover Anywhere™ At the branch, DR site, Data Center File or Volume restore Instant Restore Disaster or Operational Recovery Data Center FastBack DR Repository 11 11

12 Multi Platform Support
First step adds support to Linux Environments Following steps adds support to more operating systems Protection and Recovery will have similar capabilities to the shipping windows solution. 2297 Volume Backup and Restore in Linux Environment (Redhat/SLES 10 Linux Xpress Client - phase 1) 2519 File Level Recovery in Linux Environment (Phase 1) 2521 FastBack Shell in Linux Environment (CLI) 2520 BMR (Recovery CD) in Linux environments (Phase 1) 2522 Client Components Installer for Linux (WI TBD) FastBack Manager on Linux

13 Remote Office protection De-Duplication offering
Branch A With De-Duplication Current Offering Branch B Data Center Internet / WAN ? Branch C 13


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