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Chain reaction to stop bleeding

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Presentation on theme: "Chain reaction to stop bleeding"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chain reaction to stop bleeding
The platelet story T

2 One day in the capillary….
Solid blood parts RBCs WBCs Platelets Containing thromboplastin T T

3 You need calcium in your blood to stop bleeding.
Dissolved in the plasma…. Calcium Prothrombin Fibrinogen Not dissolved thromboplastin T T

4 When you cut yourself When you cut yourself the platelet breaks open and starts a chain reaction. Thromboplastin is released and acts as a glue And makes fibrin threads They are sticky threads like a spider’s web This makes a mesh over the cut T T T T

5 Clot formation.. Healing begins
The mesh over the cut traps RBCs and WBCs and makes a sticky mass called a clot. When it dries It is a scab. T

6 Ta Dah! You heal Your capillary cells divide and heal the wound.
Your blood flows freely again T

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