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Water Scarcity Activity Water Scarcity Drafting group

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1 Water Scarcity Activity Water Scarcity Drafting group
London, November 28th Water Scarcity Activity Water Scarcity Drafting group

2 State of play of the activity
Paris, 13th September 2005 Drafting Group Meeting Sixth draft uploaded in CIRCA “Recommendations Paper”- First Draft End of September 2005 Document uploaded in CIRCA State of play and key issues Brussels, 4th October WG B Plenary Meeting “Recommendations Paper” 4th Draft and “WS Document” 7thDraft Rome, 20th October DG Leaders Technical meeting

3 State of play of the document
Three Chapters have already been developed and submitted to remarks of the members of the group They treat the following subjects : CHAPTER I : Definitions and Assessment of the different Phenomena CHAPTER II : Drought Planning and Management CHAPTER III : Long term imbalances in supply and demand

4 The recommendation paper
A recommendation paper has been drafted on key issues on drought and water scarcity management, treating the following subjects :  The link between water scarcity and environmental protection issues  The link between WFD implementation and water scarcity management

5 Recommendation Paper the content
Proposing a drought management plan including Measures for mitigation of adverse effects of drought is a WFD objective From crisis to risk management by : Promoting prevention and mitigation measures initiating a proactive management improving early warning systems… Need of coordination (forecasting, monitoring, impact assessment, planning, etc.) Strategic planning of water resources management for drought preparation and mitigation to propose: long-term actions to reduce vulnerability of water supply systems short-term actions to face forthcoming drought event

6 Recommendation Paper the content
Proposing a drought management plan Achieving a common understanding for drought Plan in the context of WFD Make a link with Article 4: by defining less stringent environmental objectives, by proposing appropriate indicators and thresholds Include scarcity in RBMP: by proposing Drought Management Plan in RBMP pre-alert/alert measures Integrate actions in POM: measures to be taken in case of prolonged drought restoration measures

7 Recommendation Paper the content
First elements of actions for long term imbalances management Main principles Ensure equity of water users prioritizing the uses Define water management at local scale with transparency Anticipation and forecasting Emerging actions on demand side Reduce of leakages, improve irrigation technologies and water reuse Establish tools:tax, pricing policies, quotas,… Development of education and awareness campaigns … Emerging actions on supply side Preserve the functioning of natural catchments and the restoration of lost ones Improve the use of water infrastructures (dams, water transfer,…) …

Need of a strong link between Aquastress Group and Water Scarcity Group Participation of Water Scarcity working group to Aquastress Meeting - Lisbon, October 13th – 14th Support of Water Scarcity Working Group to Aquastress Project

9 NEXT STEPS 2005 December: Dissemination of the document to competent scientific bodies (EEA) for data validation; 2006 February 13th: Next Water Scarcity WG meeting in Zaragoza 2006 February 14th: Zaragoza Workshop 2006 June: Water Scarcity final document to water directors meeting

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