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ProLink III Fast response Coriolis, Density & Viscosity device trouble shooting & service tool.

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1 ProLink III Fast response Coriolis, Density & Viscosity device trouble shooting & service tool

2 ProLink  III An Introduction
Product summary What is it ? What does it do ? What is it used with ? How does this fit into Emerson Process Management ? Features & capabilities overview Upgrade pathways More information….

3 ProLink  III Product summary
ProLink  III is the next generation of windows style software configuration tool for Micro Motion products. Connection to all Micro Motion Coriolis transmitters AND Density & Viscosity meters 1700 & 2700 2200 / 2400 & 3000* series 1500 / 2500 series 9739MVD & Legacy transmitters CDM, GDM, FDM, SGM, FVM, HFVM As you can see here, ProLink III is the next generation of Micro Motion’s ProLink configuration and service tool that is designed to connect to Micro Motion’s Coriolis meter transmitters. It is compatible with all MVD style transmitters, such as the 1000, 2000 and 3000 series – in both their field mount and DIN rail mounted versions. In addition, for versions of ProLink III v2.0 and higher, ProLink III now connects to all of Micro Motion’s density & viscosity meters also – producing a single configuration and troubleshooting tool for all Micro Motion products. Legacy transmitters - such as the are also supported. * 4-wire version only

4 ProLink  III Product summary
Feature Benefit Human Centered Design verified layout and data rendering Simplicity/ease of use & reduced time of operation Intuitive menus and page layout Streamlined meter work practices and reduced learning times Multi-transmitter communication and comparison Improved process evaluation capabilities Modbus TCP communications for remote transmitter connection Reduced maintenance & travel costs Work with transmitter configurations off-line & load them into a simulated device Increased safety – less time in the hazardous area Now that you understand what ProLink III is and what it connects to, let’s have a look at the benefits that customers can realise by using this software to configure, service and troubleshoot Micro Motion Coriolis meters. With the advent of ever increasing complexity of instrumentation, communications and software, Micro Motion has embraced the concept of Human Centered Design, or HCD. The tenet of HCD is to work with customers during the development cycle of a new product and focus on how easy it is to use. The goal is to create a product that is very simple to use – where using the product is ‘intuitive’. Micro Motion has worked with many customers in a number of countries to optimize the user interface of ProLink III so that typical tasks that you may need to perform with your Coriolis meter are made simple – where you don’t have to refer to an operating manual to use the software or take precious time re-learning how it operates. The end result of this is less time wasted trying to use the tool and more time using the tool to understand how the meter is working. The intuitive menus and layout align themselves with streamlining typical work practices surrounding Coriolis flow meters – whether directly connected to a physical device or simulating a virtual transmitter in the safety of the office. This latest capability is new to the world of Coriolis & Density/Viscosity meters – where you can reduce the time spent in a hazardous area by performing and examining changes to transmitter configurations in your office – meaning that the time spent in the hazardous area is reduced to that required to upload or download the configuration into the transmitter itself. Finally, more operational cost reductions can be realized in the field through two more new developments incorporated into ProLink III. Not only can ProLink III communicate with more than one transmitter at a time – so that real-time comparisons can be performed – it can also communicate with and compare transmitters that are remote from each other via Modbus TCP communications. Significant cost reductions in time, man hours and travel can be realized here, especially when there are large numbers of meters spread across a wide geographic base – such as on a product transfer pipeline which can be hundreds of miles long. Now that you can see some of the obvious end-user benefits of using ProLink III, lets take a quick look at how the software connects to Micro Motion devices.

5 ProLink  III How it is used… Multiple ways to connect !
RS-485 As mentioned on the last slide, one of the new developments of ProLink III is that remote communications via Modbus TCP are possible. Commonly known as Modbus over Ethernet, ProLink III can now connect to a local Ethernet server via a Modbus to Ethernet converter. This now enables communication to any number of connected remote Ethernet servers that have a local connection to a Micro Motion meter. The benefits of using this technique are huge, with significant savings in travel time, effort and cost being available. The concept of connecting via Ethernet to a Micro Motion meter several hundred miles away is now a reality. Whilst this is a new and exciting development, you still have the flexibility of communications that you are used to with ProLink software - both HART and Modbus RS485 are supported as standard. TCP

6 ProLink  III scalability
ProLink  III is available in two versions Basic : Configuration and alarm handling Smart Meter verification launch Professional : All ‘Basic’ functionality …. Simultaneous multi-transmitter connection Trending & Data logging Device simulation & off-line configuration management Modbus over Ethernet communications Smart Meter Verification reports Now that you understand how ProLink III brings benefits to the customer and can communicate using a number of protocols, we should take a look at the versions of ProLink III that are available. Unlike its predecessor, ProLink II, ProLink III comes in a scalable format. The lower tier, ‘Basic’ version is designed for the standard Micro Motion Coriolis meter user – where basic configuration, diagnostics and alarm handling are of primary importance. The higher tier ‘Professional’ version is more tailored to the Micro Motion power user where the ‘Basic’ functionality is still used, but improved diagnostics capabilities such as trending and data-logging are valued. The needs of power users are also catered for through the functionality of Modbus TCP communications, Off-line and simulated device configurations as well as simultaneous multi-meter connection. You will notice from the last point on this slide that Micro Motion’s world leading diagnostic tool, Smart Meter Verification is supported by both the Basic and Professional versions, however, the report generation functionality is only available with the Professional version.

7 ProLink  Feature overview
ProLink II ProLink III Basic ProLink III Professional Full Transmitter configuration Alarm / Alert notification Alarm / Alert resolution guide Diagnostics / Inputs / Outputs display SMV / KDV launch Upload / Download device configurations Smart Meter Verification (SMV) reports Known Density Verification (KDV) reports Process variable trending Off-line configuration management Device simulation Data logging (single device) Multi-device comparison tool Connection wizard Modbus TCP/IP With the high level functionality overview explained, this table shows in more detail how the different versions of ProLink differ. One of the major improvements of ProLink III over ProLink II surrounds the area of Alarm and Alert handling. Following customer feedback, a more extensive explanation of the meaning of alarm and alert codes is shown in both the Basic and Professional versions of ProLink III. In addition to this, recommendations on remedial actions are also given, reducing the need to access operating manuals or on-line help files that can be difficult to navigate. As a standard feature in both versions of ProLink III, an interactive help function is available. It helps users understand what a parameter does by giving explanations of what the particular parameter means and what it changes within your connected transmitter. This allows more informed choices and changes to be made, reducing the risk of unwanted values being programmed into the transmitter. As you can see on this slide, ProLink III basic is intentionally focused on the simpler configuration and support tasks, whilst the Professional version has more functionality to cater for the power user where the capabilities of the Micro Motion Coriolis meters are more fully utilized. So now that you understand what the capability differences are between ProLink II, ProLink III Basic and ProLink III Professional, let’s have a look at the format of the main screen in ProLink III and how simple it is to navigate and understand.

8 ProLink  III Feature overview
Simulate a device or create an offline configuration At a glance, you can quickly see your key process variables and diagnostics data – allowing you to better Manage your system performance Connect to and navigate between multiple devices simultaneously What you can see here is a typical setup shown when using ProLink III. On the right hand side, you can quickly see information on key meter diagnostics and I/O – each of these functionality blocks being grouped into families. As an example, in the top right hand corner are the values currently being shown on the transmitter outputs – both frequency and analog. In each of these sections there is a menu button that allows the user to quickly access associated configuration tasks, reducing the need to use the ‘Device Tools’ menu on the left hand side (although you can perform all configuration tasks from this point). Below the Outputs section are the Inputs, Diagnostics and Events areas, each of these having their own dedicated field menu buttons – again with all tasks being performable from the Device Tools menu also. In the top center of the screen you can see the process variables being measured by your Coriolis meter. The benefit here is that you can see a user definable set of variables at a glance and determine the health of your process and your meter. The version shown here uses an analog dial gauge to depict the process variable, however, this can be changed to a digital reading if that is your preference. In addition to the process variable and the description of what that process variable is, information is also given as to which output that process variable is mapped to. This quickly gives the user information on not only the meter and/or process health, but also how that is affecting transmitter outputs and control systems that may be connected to the meter. If we now look to the top left hand corner, we can see that in this example, there are two transmitters simultaneously connected to ProLink III. Both transmitters are communicating with ProLink III such that should an alarm occur on a connected transmitter that is not being configured, an icon will appear showing the severity of the alarm and attract the attention of the user. It is then a simple task of a single click on the tab of the other connected transmitter to change focus (in much the same way as internet browsers do) and view the new alarms or alerts. This is a major enhancement over ProLink II and gives the user faster and greater visibility of the health of meters at his installation. Below the list of tabs representing transmitters connected to ProLink III, there is a floating connection box that allows users to ‘connect’ to a new physical transmitter, simulate a transmitter or work on an off-line configuration – without losing connection to any of the transmitters already communicating with the software. This has multiple benefits to the customer that include being able to work on a transmitter configuration when not physically connected to the meter i.e. – in a safe area. This reduces safety risks by minimizing the time required that operators need to spend in hazardous area in order to work on a particular transmitter configuration. Compare the performance of connected devices for more streamlined meter interrogation Monitor meter performance by charting process trends and logging system data Easy access to active alerts, and receive immediate support in understanding how to respond to the issue.

9 ProLink  III How it fits… Emerson Process Management portfolio
ProLink  III forms an integral part of Emerson Process Management’s software portfolio Configuration of Micro Motion meters can be performed using a number of tools AMS device manager (asset management) 475 Handheld HART communicator ProLink  III Each tool has unique added value and benefits AMS : Multi sensor type maintenance scheduler & monitor 475 HHC : Mobile multi sensor type hazardous area tool ProLink™ III : Fast response, Coriolis sensor trouble shooting & service tool

10 ProLink  III Further information
Product data sheet Overview & benefits Quick-start guide Installation assistance Operating manual Configuration & usage

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