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Fast Casters – Initial Prototype April 6th, 2006

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1 Fast Casters – Initial Prototype April 6th, 2006
Rene Chen Byron Hsu Kimberly Kam Kelsey Vandermeulen Lisa Witmer

2 Update Printed new samples Mechanical Testing SEM Analysis Sintering
Tension Compression SEM Analysis Sintering Prototype

3 Avg. Particle size (micron)
Formulations Variables: particle size of... Fluka TCP vs. MGH TCP Sucrose vs. 10x Confectioners Powder Sugar Powders Avg. Particle size (micron) TCP (Fluka) 2-3 TCP (MGH) 12-15 Polymer (PCL) 30-40 Sucrose Confectioners

4 Formulations PCL: polycaprolactone TCP: tricalcium phosphate
Formulation 1 (Blue) wt % vol % PCL 20 32 TCP (MGH) 16 Lactose 30 25 Sucrose 28 Formulation 2 (Red) wt % vol % PCL 20 34 TCP (Fluka) 12 Lactose 30 27 10X confectioner 28 Formulation 3 (Black) wt % vol % PCL 20 32 TCP (MGH) 16 Lactose 30 25 10X confectioner 26 PCL: polycaprolactone TCP: tricalcium phosphate

5 New Sample Dimensions Dog bones for tension test: 5mm x 5mm x 20 mm
Cylinders for Compression test: 15mm x 15mm

6 Mechanical Testing - Purpose
Mechanical modulus in the range of hard (10–1,500 MPa) or soft tissues (0.4–350 MPa) needed to prevent new tissue failure due to excessive deformation. Scaffold mechanical properties theoretical maximum set by bulk material Hollister, Scott. Porous scaffold design for tissue engineering. Nature materials. Vol 4. July 2005

7 Mechanical Testing 0.05 mm/s pull rate data collection at 80Hz
Load cell: 10N for tension 2000N for compression

8 Mechanical Testing - Results
BLUE: TCP (Serdy), sucrose RED: TCP (Fluka), 10x confectioner’s sugar BLACK: TCP (Serdy), 10x confectioner’s sugar

9 Mechanical Testing - Results
BLUE: TCP (Serdy), sucrose RED: TCP (Fluka), 10x confectioner’s sugar BLACK: TCP (Serdy), 10x confectioner’s sugar

10 SEM Analysis - Results SEM Analysis - Results TCP: Ca5(PO4)3OH

11 SEM Analysis - Results SEM Analysis - Results Ca5(PO4)3OH + Polymer

12 SEM Analysis - Results Necking in polymer matrix

13 Sintering Purpose: create a stiffer porous structure
Polymer is too soft Increase TCP concentration Idea: sinter a TCP + polymer/sugar mixture to create porosity with strength

14 Sintering Techniques Densification Coarsening Higher temperature
Center approach each other (Shrinkage) Coarsening Lower temperature High Strength + Porosity maintained!

15 Sintering Test

16 Sintering Result Sample Vol. Shrinkage (%) 1 78.19 2 75.23

17 Initial Prototype Formulation
Smaller particles  weaker structure Sintering Higher volume percent TCP Experiment with heating times and rates

18 Project Timeline

19 Questions?

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