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2 The Just Shall Live By Faith Paul’s Letter To The Church In Rome

3 Outline Introduction 1:1-17 Indictment of & remedy for sin 1:18 – 5:21
Anticipated questions re: justification by grace through faith :1 – 11:36 4

4 Question #6 With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness Legalistic Jews would no doubt object to what Paul has taught up to this point They would have understood him to say they were lost just like the Gentiles 3:9, 20

5 Question #6 Most likely, they would then counter with this charge –
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness Most likely, they would then counter with this charge – “If so, then God has been untrue (unfaithful) re: His promises to Israel.”

6 Question #6 Re: this accusation, Paul will… …vindicate God 9:1-33
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness Re: this accusation, Paul will… …vindicate God 9:1-33 …vindicate the gospel message :1-21

7 Question #6 Paul’s stated sorrow 9:1-3 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness Paul’s stated sorrow 9:1-3 He took no pleasure in condemning his Jewish kinsmen according to the flesh He was sad…he confirmed his feelings “I am not lying, my conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit” v. 1

8 Question #6 Paul’s stated sorrow 9:1-3 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness Paul’s stated sorrow 9:1-3 His “unceasing grief” was so deep that he even wished he himself could be accursed that lost Jews might be saved v. 3 “Anathema” (to be under a Divine curse) A person or thing doomed to destruction

9 Question #6 Paul’s stated sorrow 9:1-3 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness Paul’s stated sorrow 9:1-3 His “unceasing grief” was so deep that he even wished he himself could be accursed that lost Jews might be saved v. 3 Pronounced at Jericho Josh 6:17 To pervert the gospel of Christ Gal 1:8-9

10 Question #6 The Jews’ plight 9:4-5 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness The Jews’ plight 9:4-5 As Israelites, they enjoyed many blessings Adoption as sons (children by covenant) Glory in God’s family & worship Heb 9:5 Covenants (through Abraham, Moses, etc.) The Law Deut 4: : Rom 3:1-2

11 Question #6 The Jews’ plight 9:4-5 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness The Jews’ plight 9:4-5 As Israelites, they enjoyed many blessings The promises to Abraham Gen 12:1-3 The temple services & worship The bloodline through which came Christ

12 Question #6 The Jews’ plight 9:4-5 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness The Jews’ plight 9:4-5 Despite all these “blessings,” the Jews as a whole had not come to Christ and entered the N.T. kingdom This was what grieved Paul so much

13 Question #6 The Jews’ plight 9:4-5 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness The Jews’ plight 9:4-5 Don’t forget…who had been Paul’s primary opponents throughout his preaching? That Paul would wish himself accursed for the salvation of his enemies shows his love for the lost (good example to follow)

14 Question #6 God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Lost Jews couldn’t blame God v. 6a The word of God had not failed One could be an Israelite and still not be “…from Israel” v. 6b 2:28-29 Not based on physical lineage

15 Question #6 God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Paul illustrates with 2 examples vv. 7-13 Abraham’s children vv. 7-9 – “Child of flesh” vs. “Child of promise” Isaac’s children vv – God chose even before they were born

16 Question #6 God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Paul illustrates with 2 examples vv. 7-13 Isaac’s children vv – God’s choice was NOT because of Esau’s behavior Gen 25: Heb 12:16 – Jacob loved…Esau hated Mal 1:2-3

17 Question #6 God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 YES
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Paul illustrates with 2 examples vv. 7-13 Isaac’s children vv – God chose as Sovereign Rom 9:11 – Could God have used His omniscience to choose beforehand re: Esau? YES

18 Question #6 God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Is There Unrighteousness
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness God’s actions as Sovereign 9:6-13 Paul illustrates with 2 examples vv. 7-13 Isaac’s children vv – But that is not what Paul argues – Paul argues that God, as Sovereign, alone possesses the right to choose

19 Question #6 God’s choice re: man’s salvation 9:14-18
With God? 9:1 – 10:21 Is There Unrighteousness God’s choice re: man’s salvation 9:14-18 The basis upon which man is to be saved God will show mercy upon whom He desires vv [Moses Ex 33:19] God will harden those whom He chooses vv [Pharaoh Ex 9:16]


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