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Joshua Who are you now? Ten

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Presentation on theme: "Joshua Who are you now? Ten"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joshua Who are you now? Ten
OBHR 4P68 Joshua Who are you now? Ten

2 Who are you now? Are you the same person you were 3 months ago?

3 Course Goal: Believe that You Can Lead Now: Dream Big Dreams
How do we learn (develop belief) 1) Trial and Error 2) By Watching Others 3) Education Leadership Lessons Learned Teammates Job experiences Mentor paper Leadership Day Issues Paper Training Role Models Leadership Exam Class

4 Reflect on where we have been
K & P Challenge the process Inspire a shared vision Enable others to act Model the way Encourage the heart

5 Reflection Time 10 things you are taking away The Leadership Walk
What were the Milestones? Magic Moments? 10 things you are taking away

6 Unleash the Leader Within
Work on becoming the who you want to become Live the life that you want to live Non Illegitimi Carborundum Always be BIG DWYSYWD Leave the place a little better than you found it

7 Next Day ... Friday at 5:00 PM N = 35 Team groups Order …
Other information? PS: No class on Thursday

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