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employment and empowerment

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1 employment and empowerment
Mahatma Gandhi NREGA An Opportunity for employment and empowerment Presentation by PRADAN

2 Important facts related to MGNREGA
There are around 6.6 million households having job card out of which around 1.3 million got the employment and 1% got 100 days wage employment. There is a decline of work under NRM related activities which is around 27% ( ) that was supposed to be the major activity to enhance livelihoods of the people. Odisha planned person days in the year The Act enforces one third of women participation ; 38% women participated in odisha for the year 37% payments generated within 15 days Significance of MGNREGA in poorer pockets Huge Potential of achieving the purpose of MGNREGA in spite of struggle

3 Proposed solutions NRLM (CBO)- MGNREGS -CFT(CSO) convergence :
Key actor here is SHG based collectives who are leading and strengthening demand-side processes District administration facilitated ,supported this partnership and simplified the procedures. CSOs build the capabilities at all levels and build liaison amongst the stakeholders. Focus on NRM based intervention and Livelihood

4 Sampurna- MGNREGS – PRADAN partnership experience in Karanjia block of Mayurbhanj District
Important interventions of this model are as below

5 Capability building of stakeholders
Vision building and Action plan of PRI and Women federation Training of Women Mates in presence of JE Exposure of block officials,IWMP staff Training to GRS

6 2. Village development plan preparation based on INRM approach
Local resource persons were systematically trained to assist the women leaders in a four day village level planning Major focus is on INRM based intervention Women are also recognized as beneficiary and Pallisabha approved self of project in the name of women Consolidation of MGNREGS plan at GP level by maintaining 60:40 ratio Entering the plan in the labour budget

7 3. Simplification of procedures
SHG acting as labor group at village level Draft measurement book by mate ensures timely payment Simple planning template and other formats as per the Govt. requirement

8 4. Institutionalizing the processes
A GP level forum taking all actors ( GPLF- GP functionaries) conducts review and prepares plan on a weekly manner The Nyaya and adhikar committee of village level cluster under NRLM played active role in functioning of village level vigilance and monitoring committee for MGNREGS. Observing Rojgar Diwas Grievance redressal system : facilitated by the federation

9 Some glimpses of livelihood
MGNREGS-Land development and OLM maize cultivation Intercropping in cashew plantation under MGNREGA 30*40 model at Kuspada village 5% model as a means for assured Khariff NADEP tank Farm Pond under MGNREGA for irrigation

10 Mahatma Gandhi NREGA a means to Women empowerment…
Empowerment by working as a skilled worker…women as mates. Around 63 % of the mates of Karanjia block are women. Empowerment through enhanced participation in planning exercises. Around 70 % of the participants were women. As an independent wage earner. About % of the unskilled worker of Karanjia block are women.

11 Some changes so far in the intervened area
At the level of these intervened 9 GPs of Karanjia block:- Approved labour budget (Average person days per Household) for under MGNREGA in these GPs are against 31.2 of District and 11.7 for Odisha mainly because of proper planning process and inclusion of the plan in the budget. Around 85 to 90% people worked who demanded for the work Around 73% of work is under land and water related activities in these 9GPs against 51% in the district and 31 % in the state in the year Timely payment ( 7-21 days) in case of availability of fund. 63% of mates in these GPs are women.

12 Changes so far in a sample intervened village ( Jhalkiani) having 150 HHs are as below
Out of the 478 assets planned 310 are in the name of women Malati the women mate earns around Rs from the work as a mate 60 acre of land developed along with soil moisture conservation, 10 acre ( 30no.s of 5% model) of land is having water assurance for Khariff, 5 acre ( 10 farm ponds) have water for two crops, Cashew plantation in 18 acre of land. Other remaining works (Dugwell, 5%, land development, Compost pit, etc) are going on, once completed will change the life and livelihoods of the whole village. People have adopted improved agricultural practices in paddy, maize, ground nut and vegetables which increased productivity in collaboration with OLM and Agriculture department. Migration reduced from 50% to around 15 %

13 Way Forward Varied experience across the state, but shows the potential of this partnership. Govt providing space and nurturing this convergence where CBO is a key actor.


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