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Accurate Differential Device Characterization using VectorStar

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1 Accurate Differential Device Characterization using VectorStar
EuMW 2013 Anritsu Workshop EuMW Seminars 2013

2 Agenda Basic concepts and measurement overview
Dual source architecture and True Mode Stimulus measurements Differential component testing Signal Integrity testing Differential PCB and on-wafer fixture de-embedding DifferentialView user interface VectorStar performance mmWave True Mode Stimulus capabilities System configuration summary

3 Differential devices and Measurements
Differential Mode + _ + + _ _ Common Mode + _ + _ Differential devices gaining popularity due to advantages in suppressing noise and EMI effects. Preferred driver in SI applications VNA needs to accurately modify stimulus conditions for complete analysis.

4 Differential Applications
For reasons of immunity, efficiency and raw performance, the number of balanced devices (both RF and high speed digital ) increasing. balanced balanced RF IF filter LO PCI Express Test Card Transmission Line

5 Measurement Needs Insertion Loss Return Loss Gain Time domain
Line Impedance Rejection Balance Cross talk All these measurements can be performed with the 4 port VectorStar

6 Measurements of Differential Devices
Stimulus + + Response Response _ _ Response Response Derived from single ended S-parameters Signal is applied to one port and response is measured at all ports Incident signal is applied to each port DUT is assumed to be linear Excellent for passive devices and linear active devices Does not require an expensive second source or complex software corrections. Fastest measurement speed

7 True Differential Measurements
Both input ports are excited at once Either balanced (in-phase) or differentially (180 degrees out of phase) Response is measured at both input and output ports balanced or differentially Technique used for non-linear active devices Must not use baluns (e.g. wafer probes) Baluns transform phase releationship at DUT plane and not valid Generally not valid for on-wafer measurements On-wafer measurements are non-50 ohm. Even if you were to ignore the balun error the DUT performance will change when a different impedance load is presented to the device after measurement.

8 DifferentialViewTM for Signal Integrity Measurements
Broadest frequency span: 70 kHz to 70/110 GHz Best time domain analysis capability 4-port test set upgrades 2 port VectorStar to 4-port performance. 12-port configurations available Widest range of calibration & de-embedding methods Choice of TMS or Superposition Poor S-parameter Data Good S-parameter Data

9 VectorStar Dual Source Option
Dual Source VectorStar xN + + a1 b1 a2 b2 _ _ xN Option 031 Dual Source eliminates the need for a transfer switch Provides up to 7 dB of additional power at 70 GHz MS4640B series improves noise floor specification as much as 9 dB Combined, results in improved dynamic range performance up to 16 dB at 70 GHz!

10 VectorStar 4-Port Solutions
External test set offers easy upgrade capabilities – buy what you need when you need it Broadest frequency balanced/differential measurements in the market MN4694B 70 kHz* to 20/40 GHz K (2.92 mm) MN4697B 70 kHz* to 50/70 GHz V (1.85 mm) Requires MS464xA VectorStar with Option 051, 061, or 062 * Operational down to 40 kHz

11 Connecting a 4-port Test Set
Add a 4-port test set (MN4694B or MS4697B) for multiport measurements Without True Mode Stimulus Option (Opt 043) this configuration can be used to measure single ended multiport components (couplers, mixers, etc.) For passive or linear active devices use this configuration with standard super-position technique for differential analysis Control of the two sources without Opt 043 is via Multiple Source Control.

12 Performing True Mode Stimulus Differential Measurements
Option 043 DifferentialView Option 043 Software provides the phase synchronization needed for True Mode Stimulus control. For independent amplitude and phase control driving ports are configured in a 1:3 or 1:4 and 2:4 or 2:3 arrangement.

13 DifferentialViewTM and Dual Source
Differential, common and mixed mode S-parameters True Mode Stimulus capability Adjust differential phase & amplitude Instant view of results during parameter change + _ + _ + _ Differential Mode Common Mode Mixed Mode

14 VectorStar TMS Setup DifferentialView menu provides easy access to all key parameters No need to activate numerous configuration panels to edit setup

15 DifferentialView provides easy access to TMS parameter modification
DifferentialView software provides easy to configure menus and stimulus controls for accurate TMS measurements DifferentialView quickly sets up VectorStar for specific differential stimulus needs of the DUT while continuously displaying the setup parameters

16 Differential View provides TMS mode measurements of non-linear device
Performance differences of a compressed device can clearly be seen between single ended and TMS mode.

17 Dual Source Multiple Source Control
Multiple source control provides advanced independent controls of the two internal sources Also controls up to 4 external sources for a total of 6 sources.

18 Measuring Linear Differential Devices
Single ended, super-positioning measurements often preferred over TMS method due to faster measurement speed and less error correction processing Comparing single-ended and TMS mode measurements of linear differential amplifier reveals minimal differences. Mode-converting match measurements of the linear amplifier in SE and TMS modes also shows minimal difference.

19 Comparing Superposition and TMS mode measurements of non-linear device
SD2D1 values of a compressed amplifier (for single-ended and true-mode stimulus drive) are shown here. In this case, performance differences can clearly be seen

20 Measurements of Nonlinear Differential Devices
Dual Source VectorStar xN + + a1 b1 a2 b2 _ _ xN Non-1800 Phase Offset at DUT Input 1800 Phase Offset at Test Port No TMS correction applied. Measuring nonlinear differential devices with a 1800 offset is preferable for more realistic characterization. Nonlinear devices are sensitive to source mismatch Source mismatch will shift stimulus signals to non-ideal offset

21 Measurements of Nonlinear Differential Devices
Dual Source VectorStar xN + + a1 b1 a3 b3 _ _ xN 1800 Phase Offset at DUT Input 1800 Phase Offset at Test Port Opt 043 TMS: Measure mismatch and apply correction during measurement Applying TMS correction within DifferentialView corrects offset shift Monitoring the applied signals (a3/a1) will provide an indication on the success of correction

22 TMS Differential Phase Stability
Sweep to sweep phase variations from 1800 differential while driving nonlinear DUT at -12 dBm Accurate DDS architecture combined with optimized algorithms offer up to 5 times improvement in true mode accuracy

23 Nonlinear DUT Measurement at Non-1800 Offset
Measuring nonlinear differential devices with a 1800 offset is preferable for more realistic characterization. Without proper offset correction performance of device will vary Example demonstrates variance in DUT performance when stimulated by 1800 and 1350 offset SD2D1 performance of example device changes by as much as 2 dB at 3 GHz Anritsu white paper discusses this issue in more detail

24 VNA measurement uncertainty when operating in TMS mode
All VNAs operating in the TMS mode must add an additional layer of corrections for proper analysis Example comparisons of uncertainties for single-ended vs. true-mode stimulus mode when performing linear S-parameter measurements Not included are differences in stability due to drift from thermal changes or cable flexing Additionally, the increase in sensitivities to source match interactions when operating in a compressed state will add yet another layer of corrections Consequently, the common approach is to use single ended (super-positioning) when measuring passive devices or linear active devices and use TMS when measurement of a compressed device demands

25 Measuring Differential Devices Through Baluns and Fixtures
DUT test port plane Port 1 path to DUT Port 3 path to DUT Calibrated test port plane VNA test port cables Fixtures often used to transition from single ended VNA test ports to the input of differential devices Challenging to extract directly from measurement. If not de-embedded properly, will contribute to overall error of predictive model. VectorStar’s extensive de-embedding capabilities help reduce the complexity of fixture and transition removal

26 Embedding/De-embedding
Useful to add and remove networks to/from a given result. Embed DUT Match netwk DUT Match Netwk De-embed fixture DUT fixture DUT VectorStar provides the most advanced E/DE functions available on a VNA Multiple network E/DE also available Applies to 2, 3 and 4 port DUTs

27 VectorStar Fixture De-embedding
VectorStar provides an extensive array of network extraction tools for enhanced de-embedding capabilities. Calibration menus generate characterization files (SnP) for fixture and probe de-embedding.

28 DifferentialViewTM True Mode Stimulus Interface
DifferentialView offers easy configuration for differential and mixed mode measurements for thorough analysis

29 Differential Measurements
+ _ Swept Phase Measure device performance in an unbalanced state: Set amplitude or phase to an offset relationship Sweep phase to find device anomalies Use data to: Verify operating performance over wide input range Analyze non-linear boundaries Optimize input matching circuit to maximize performance Specify better device performance

30 VectorStar DifferentialView Phase Sweep
DifferentialView menu provides real time display of measurement parameters Immediately observe DUT performance changes with changes in setup Example of modifying phase sweep parameters while observing effects

31 VectorStar Dual Source
Using Multiple Source Control to configure VectorStar for mixer measurements Up-converters or Down-converters can be configured Use external loop options (051, 061, or 062) for direct access to VNA converters

32 DifferentialViewTM for Broadband and mmWave Measurements
Compact size and high performance make the Anritsu mmWave modules ideal for 2 port or 4 port configuration Enables Broadband differential analysis on small platen

33 True Mode Stimulus Broadband Measurements
Excellent stability due to excellent raw directivity and close positioning of the mmwave test and reference couplers Improve device models due to high-quality low frequency data Remove RF/microwave concatenation issues Spend more time measuring (& less time calibrating) Easy positioning of small modules on probe station Short cables conveniently connect to probes for best performance & stability

34 VectorStar mmWave True Mode Stimulus Measurements
VectorStar supports Anritsu mmwave modules to 125 GHz in coax or mmwave OML or VDI modules in waveguide bands up to 1.1 THz mmWave modules used in single ended or TMS mode differential measurement configuration

Passive Device Measurements Recommended: MS464xB Vector Network Analyzer 10 MHz to 20, 40, 50, 70 GHz Opt 051 Direct Access Loops Opt 007 Frequency Offset. Multiple source control software. MN469xB 4-port test set Add options as desired: Option 002 Time Domain Opt kHz Low-end extension Opt 031 Dual Source Active Device Measurements Recommended: MS464xB Vector Network Analyzer 10 MHz to 20, 40, 50, 70 GHz Opt 061 Active Device Measurements Suite Opt 007 Frequency Offset. Multiple source control software. MN469xB 4-port test set Add options as desired: Opt 031 Dual Source Opt kHz Low-End Extension See datasheet for full list

36 Differential Device CONFIGURATIONS
Linear Device Measurements Recommended: MS4647B Vector Network Analyzer 10 MHz to 70 GHz Opt 002 Time Domain Opt 061 Active Device Measurements Suite MN4697B 4-port test set Add other options as desired. Opt kHz Low-End Extension See datasheet for full list Non-linear Device Measurements Recommended: MS4647B Vector Network Analyzer 10 MHz to 70 GHz Opt kHz Low-End Extension Opt 031 Dual Source Opt 043 DifferentialViewTM Opt 061 Active Device Measurements Suite MN4697B 4-port test set Add other options as desired. See datasheet for full list

37 Signal Integrity CONFIGURATIONS
Backplane/Interconnect Measurements MS4647B Vector Network Analyzer 10 MHz to 70 GHz Opt 002 Time Domain Opt 051 Direct Access Loops Opt kHz Low-End Extension MN4697B 4-port test set Active Device Measurements MS4647B Vector Network Analyzer 10 MHz to 70 GHz Opt kHz Low-End Extension Opt 031 Dual Source Opt 043 DifferentialViewTM Opt 061 Active Device Measurements Suite MN4697B 4-port test set Add other options as required. See datasheet for full list

38 Summary Option 031 Dual Source offers improved power output for high power measurement requirements. Improved MS4640B noise floor further improves dynamic range performance Use standard 4-port configurations with super-positioning for passive and linear device customers Include Option 043 TMS mode when measuring non-linear differential devices. VNAs using TMS mode double the sweep count for additional stimulus corrections. Use TMS mode only when a must. If must use TMS mode then use a VNA offering the optimum TMS mode performance. VectorStar offers improved TMS mode performance using DDS architecture and enhanced performance algorithms.

39 VectorStar 40 MHz – 70 GHz 12 port
Thank You! VectorStar 70 kHz–20,40,50,70 GHz VectorStar 70 kHz – 70 GHz 4 port VectorStar 4 Port 70 kHz – 110 GHz VectorStar 70 kHz – 110 GHz VectorStar 40 MHz – 70 GHz 12 port

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