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Chapter 8C - Conservation of Energy

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1 Chapter 8C - Conservation of Energy
A PowerPoint Presentation by Paul E. Tippens, Professor of Physics Southern Polytechnic State University © 2007

2 A waterfall in Yellowstone Park provides an example of energy in nature. The potential energy of the water at the top is converted into kinetic energy at the bottom.

3 If released, the earth can do work on the mass:
Potential Energy Potential Energy is the ability to do work by virtue of position or condition. Example: A mass held a distance h above the earth. Earth mg h m If released, the earth can do work on the mass: Work = mgh Is this work + or - ? Positive!

4 Gravitational Potential Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy U is equal to the work that can be done BY gravity due to height above a specified point. U = mgh Gravitational P. E. Example: What is the potential energy when a 10 kg block is held 20 m above the street? U = mgh = (10 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(20 m) U = 1960 J

5 The Origin of Potential Energy
Potential energy is a property of the Earth-body system. Neither has potential energy without the other. Work done by lifting force F provides positive potential energy, mgh, for earth-body system. mg h F Only external forces can add or remove energy.

6 Weight is conservative.
Conservative Forces A conservative force is one that does zero work during a round trip. Weight is conservative. mg h F Work done by earth on the way up is negative, - mgh Work on return is positive, +mgh Net Work = - mgh + mgh = 0

7 The Spring Force F x m The force exerted by a spring is also conservative. When stretched, the spring does negative work, - ½kx2. F x m On release, the spring does positive work, + ½kx2 Net work = 0 (conservative)

8 Work done by conservative forces is independent of the path.
Independence of Path Work done by conservative forces is independent of the path. A C B C A B Force due to gravity mg Because only the vertical component of the weight does work against gravity. Work (A C) = Work (A B C) Why?

9 Nonconservative Forces
Work done by nonconservative forces cannot be restored. Energy is lost and cannot be regained. It is path-dependent! B A f f m A B Friction forces are nonconservative forces.

10 Work of Conservative Forces is Independent of Path:
B C For gravitational force: (Work)AB= -(Work)BCA Zero net work For friction force: (Work)AB ¹ -(Work)BCA The work done against friction is greater for the longer path (BCD).

11 Stored Potential Energy
Work done by a conservative force is stored in the system as potential energy. m xo x The potential energy is equal to the work done in compressing the spring: F(x) = kx to compress Displacement is x Potential energy of compressed spring:

12 Conservation of Energy (Conservative forces)
In the absence of friction, the sum of the potential and kinetic energies is a constant, provided no energy is added to system. v = 0 h At top: Uo = mgh; Ko = 0 mg v y At y: Uo = mgy; Ko = ½mv2 At y=0: Uo = 0; Ko = ½mvf 2 vf E = U + K = Constant

13 Constant Total Energy for a Falling Body
K = 0 h TOP: E = U + K = mgh v y At any y: E = mgh + ½mv2 Bottom: E = ½mv2 mgh = mgy + ½mv2 = ½mvf2 U = 0 vf Total E is same at any point. (Neglecting Air Friction)

14 Example 1: A 2-kg ball is released from a height of 20 m
Example 1: A 2-kg ball is released from a height of 20 m. What is its velocity when its height has decreased to 5 m? v = 0 20m Total Etop = Total E at 5 m mgh = mgy + ½mv2 v 5m 2gh = 2gy + v2 v2 = 2g(h - y) = 2(9.8)(20 - 5) v = 17.1 m/s v = (2)(9.8)(15)

15 Total energy is conserved
Example 2: A roller coaster boasts a maximum height of 100 ft. What is the speed when it reaches its lowest point? Assume zero friction: At top: U + K = mgh + 0 Bottom: U + K = 0 + ½mv2 Total energy is conserved mgh = ½mv2 v = 2gh v = 80 ft/s v = (2)(32 ft/s2)(100 ft)

16 Conservation of Energy in Absence of Friction Forces
The total energy is constant for a conservative system, such as with gravity or a spring. Begin: (U + K)o = End: (U + K)f Height? Spring? Velocity? mgho ½kxo2 ½mvo2 = mghf ½kxf2 ½mvf2 Height? Spring? Velocity?

17 What is the water speed at the top of the falls?
Example 3. Water at the bottom of a falls has a velocity of 30 m/s after falling 35 ft. ho = 35 m; vf = 30 m/s2 What is the water speed at the top of the falls? First look at beginning point—top of falls. Assume y = 0 at bottom for reference point. Height? Spring? Velocity? Yes (35 m) mgho ½kxo2 ½mvo2 No Yes (vo)

18 Next choose END point at bottom of falls:
Example 3 (Cont.) Water at the bottom of falls has a velocity of 30 m/s after falling 35 ft. ho = 35 m; vf = 30 m/s2 What is the water speed at the top of the falls? Next choose END point at bottom of falls: Height? Spring? Velocity? No (0 m) mghf ½kxf2 ½mvf2 No Yes (vf)

19 Example 3 (Cont.) Water at the bottom of falls has a velocity of 30 m/s after falling 35 ft.
ho = 35 m; vf = 30 m/s2 What is the water speed at the top of the falls? Total energy at top = Total energy at bottom vo = 3.86 m/s

20 Example 4. A bicycle with initial velocity 10 m/s coasts to a net height of 4 m. What is the velocity at the top, neglecting friction? 4 m vf = ? vo = 10 m/s E(Top) = E(Bottom) Etop = mgh + ½mv2 EBot = 0 + ½mvo2 vf = 4.65 m/s

21 Conservation of Energy:
Example 5: How far up the 30o-incline will the 2-kg block move after release? The spring constant is 2000 N/m and it is compressed by 8 cm. End mgho ½kxo2 ½mvo2 = mghf ½kxf2 ½mvf2 s h 30o Begin Conservation of Energy: ½kxo2 = mghf h = = m

22 Example (Cont.): How far up the 30o-incline will the 2-kg block move after release? The spring constant is 2000 N/m and it is compressed by 8 cm. s h 30o Begin End Continued: h = m = 32.7 cm sin 30o = h s s = = h sin 30o 32.7 cm Sin 30o s = 65.3 cm

23 Energy Conservation and Nonconservative Forces.
Work against friction forces must be accounted for. Energy is still conserved, but not reversible. f Conservation of Mechanical Energy (U + K)o = (U + K)f + Losses

24 Problem Solving Strategies
1. Read the problem; draw and label a sketch. 2. Determine the reference points for gravi tational and/or spring potential energies. 3. Select a beginning point and an ending point and ask three questions at each point: a. Do I have height? U = mgh b. Do I have velocity? K = ½mv2 c. Do I have a spring? U = ½kx2

25 Problem Solving (Continued)
4. Apply the rule for Conservation of Energy. mgho ½kxo2 ½mvo2 = mghf ½kxf2 ½mvf2 + Work against friction: fk x 5. Remember to use the absolute (+) value of the work of friction. (Loss of energy)

26 (Multiply by 2, simplify)
Example 6: A mass m is connected to a cord of length L and held horizontally as shown. What will be the velocity at point B? (d = 12 m, L = 20 m) A B L vc r 1. Draw & label. d 2. Begin A and end B. 3. Reference U = 0. (U + K)o =(U + K)f + loss U = 0 mgL + 0 = mg(2r) + ½mvc2 (Multiply by 2, simplify) 2gL - 4gr = vc2 Next find r from figure.

27 Example (Cont.): A mass m is connected to a cord of length L and held horizontally as shown. What will be the velocity at point B? (d = 12 m, L = 20 m) B L vc r d U = 0 A 2gL - 4gr = vc2 r = L - d r = 20 m - 12 m = 8 m vc2 =2gL - 4gr = 2g(L - 2r) vc2 = 2(9.8 m/s2)[20 m - (2)(8 m)] vc = 8.85 m/s vc = 2(9.8 m/s2)(4 m)

28 (Work)f = (mkn) x = mk(mg Cos 30o) x
Example 7: A 2-kg mass m located 10 m above the ground compresses a spring 6 cm. The spring constant is 40,000 N/m and mk = 0.4. What is the speed when it reaches the bottom? h 2 kg s 30o mg f n mg Sin 30o mg Cos 30o 30o Begin End Conservation: mgh + ½kx2 = ½mv2 + fkx (Work)f = (mkn) x = mk(mg Cos 30o) x Continued . . .

29 fkx = (0.4)(2 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(0.866)(20 m) = 136 J
Example (Cont.): A 2-kg mass m located 10 m above the ground compresses a spring 6 cm. The spring constant is 40,000 N/m and mk = 0.4. What is the speed when it reaches the bottom? h 2 kg x 30o 10 m mgh + ½kx2 = ½mv2 + fkx x = = 20 m 10 m Sin 30o fkx = mk(mg Cos 30o) x fkx = (0.4)(2 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(0.866)(20 m) = 136 J mgh = (2 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(10 m) = 196 J ½kx2 = ½(40,000 N/m)(0.06 m)2 = 72.0 J

30 Example (Cont.): A 2-kg mass m located 10 m above the ground compresses a spring 6 cm. The spring constant is 40,000 N/m and mk = 0.4. What is the speed when it reaches the bottom? h 2 kg x 30o 10 m mgh + ½kx2 = ½mv2 + fkx fkx = 136 J mgh = 196 J ½kx2 = 72.0 J ½mv2 = mgh + ½kx2 - fkx ½(2 kg) v2 = 196 J + 72 J J = 132 J v =11.4 m/s

31 Summary: Energy Gains or Losses:
Gravitational Potential Energy U = mgh Spring Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Work Against Friction Work = fx

32 Summary: Conservation of Energy
The basic rule for conservation of energy: mgho ½kxo2 ½mvo2 = mghf ½kxf2 ½mvf2 + Work against friction: fk x Remember to use the absolute (+) value of the work of friction. (Loss of energy)

33 CONCLUSION: Chapter 8C Conservation of Energy

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