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Bienvenue à la classe française!

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Presentation on theme: "Bienvenue à la classe française!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bienvenue à la classe française!

2 Entry Bell 8:30 Advisory 8:45 - 10:05 Period 1 10:10 - 10:50
Bell Schedule - Day 1 Entry Bell :30 Advisory 8: :05 Period : :50 Period : :35 Period : :20 Period :25 - 1:05 Period 5 1:10 - 1:50 Period 6 1:55 - 2:35 Period 7 2:40 – 3:20 Period 8 3:25 – 4:05 * FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Advisory 80 Minutes Periods Minutes

3 Agenda: le 24 août 2015 Identify Mme Anderson’s Expectations
Learn en français : Greetings, Introduction & Farewell Introduce yourself Identify similarities & differences between yourself and your classmates Prodcedures: Whole class instruction Partner/Group activities

4 Mme Anderson’s Expectations

5 Be prompt

6 Be prepared

7 Materials you need to bring to class:
Pen/Pencil 3 Ring Binder or folder to hold your notes and assignments We will be using a class set of French Textbooks 

8 Be Productive

9 Be Polite

10 Be proud

11 Greetings, Introduction & farewell
Listen and repeat the following French terms

12 Bonjour! Hello

13 Je m’appelle ____ (name).
My name is ________ (name)

14 Au revoir! Good-bye

15 Pratique: Bonjour! Je m’appelle ________.
Greet and introduce yourself to a classmate. Bonjour! Je m’appelle ________.

16 Présentez à la classe: State your name and name your favorite snack food: Je m’appelle J’aime (zh-am) your favorite snack food

17 Some topics to discuss:
Venn Diagrams By the end of class you should have 3-5 items in each section of the diagram In groups of 2 or 3 get to know your classmates. Identify things that you have in common with each other as well as those thing s that make you unique. Some topics to discuss: School Hobbies Interests Family Goals Music

18 Similarities Differences Differences

19 Essential Phrase: Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?

20 Student Information Sheet
Please provide the requested information. When completed, place your paper in the basket at the front of the room.

21   Entry Bell      8:30 •       Advisory           •       Period 1        11:00- 11:25 •       Period 2        11:30- 11:55 •       Period 3        12: :25 •       Period 4        12:30 - 1:10 •       Period 5        1:15 - 1:55 •       Period 6        2:00 - 2:40 •       Period 7        2:45 – 3:20      •       Period 8        3:25 – 4:05

22 Expectations

23 A little something about you…
Use the play dough to create something that represents you or your world. Examples: Food you like Your hobbies and interests What you want to be Keep it school appropriate!! Disclaimer: You will be sharing this with the rest of the class

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