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Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will:

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will:
Be able to format page layout Be able to use headers and footers Be able to use columns and breaks

2 Starter In the back of your books put the date and the title:
Formatting page layouts and using headers & footers Why do newspapers use columns of text instead of writing across the whole width of a page?

3 Answer… Newspapers use columns to squeeze more text onto a page, and make the long stories more appealing. For example, if you see a long bit of text with no columns, it looks daunting, and you are unwilling to read it. Like this example…

4 No columns…

5 Answer continued… If you, however, see something with columns, it breaks the text up, making you more likely to want to read it. Columns are also easier to read and print.

6 With columns…

7 Demonstration Watch your teacher’s demonstration of the following toolbars: Page Layout Options Margins Orientation Size Columns Breaks Header and Footer Options Header Footer Page Number Date & Time Quick Parts

8 Task 1 - Newspaper You have been given an incomplete newspaper article and you must follow the instructions in order to correct the layout. All of your instructions and an example article can be found on the VLE or in the shared area.

9 Task 2 – Options Worksheet
Annotate the worksheet that you have been given. Include as much detail as possible to explain each option. Stick this into your book once you have completed it.

10 Extension Find a news article and paste it into a blank word document using Paste and then again using Paste Special and the unformatted text option. Write in your book – what the difference is and why you would use Paste Special for this task… Write a list of instructions for somebody else in the class on how to layout your work.

11 Plenary – Hands Up! How do you change the distance of the space between columns? How do you enter the author’s name in a document? What does the tab key do when you are in a header or footer?

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