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CPS Work Plan 2018/19 Represent - Support - Develop

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Presentation on theme: "CPS Work Plan 2018/19 Represent - Support - Develop"— Presentation transcript:

1 CPS Work Plan 2018/19 Represent - Support - Develop

2 Key Challenges/Priorities:
Engagement – Contractors & Commissioners Raising profile of Community Pharmacy Enhancement of Clinical Role Support for new Contracts

3 Work Plan Engagement Development Support Promotion Governance

4 Engagement Contractors eBulletin Website Social media Update Events
Joint SYB LPC Events Project, contract & services support Member/contractor buddying Stakeholders NHS Sheffield CCG Sheffield City Council Accountable Care Partnership Primary Care Sheffield LMC Healthwatch Sheffield MPs & Councilors Stakeholder briefings MP visits NHSE Other Professionals

5 Engagement Action Log Action Lead Progress Completed
Improve use of social media CT/ DR Twitter linked to facebook Change venue & days for update events SC Member buddying – script for contractor calls at each CPS meeting Script written Standing item on agenda

6 Development; key opportunities
CCG Redesign of MAS Self Care Campaign Maintain retention of existing commissioned services Neighbourhood development (PCH model) Improved use of EPS & eRD Claire/Susie APG - David Medicines management collaborative opportunities - Claire ACP Pharmacy Transformation Group Vision for transformation of scope of pharmacy practice - presentation to EDG Roll out of access to clinical systems; GP-CP pairings Business case for funding for training support for independent prescribing (HEE) Pharmacy led hypertension service pilot Claire SCC MAR service – David/Claire DACT – Andrew Sexual Health – Claire Carers – Claire PNA – Claire/Susie Right First Time Medication Steering Group - Luke Other PCS - Sexual Health Service Tender - Claire ACP Primary Care Board - Claire LMC - Joint flu letter for 2019 & CP integration - access to clinical systems - Claire/David Seasonal Flu - Andrew Vac & Imms – Andrew SYB Integrated Care System (ICS) – Tom Bisset (Barnsley LPC)

7 Development Action Log
Lead Progress Completed Redesign of Pharmacy First Scheme CT Initial disussions with CCG Neighbourhood development Pharmacy rep on Primary Care Board neighbourhood workgroup – CT now chairing this workgroup Presentation to EDG regarding pharmacy led hypertension service 8/10/18 Data sharing agreement for DIO CT/CB Draft shared with CCG HEE business case IP training support Submitted to HEE Hypertension pilot Meeting 18th Dec to discuss draft service spec and agree progression of business case Sexual Health Service Tender CT/DR Initial meetings for discussion of potential expansion of current service offer through pharmacies LMC joint flu letter To be agreed before start of next flu season Shingles Vaccine AH To be raised at next vac and imms meeting (jan 2019)

8 Support Local Maintain good comms; eBulletin, website, social media
Update Events Joint SYB LPC Events Explore other options for collaboration with neighbouring LPCs HLP support – HLC update events, Virtual Outcomes Services & project support Contractor buddy system National Keep up to date with national news & changes affecting contractors; communicate to contractors.In event of new national contract – need good understanding & develop a specific proramme of support for contractors In event of new national contract – need good understanding & develop a specific proramme of support for contractors

9 Support Action Log Action Lead Progress Completed
Launch Virtual Outcomes CT Web page created & mailchimp sent 9/11/18 Monitor VO use & feedback SC Support for CP-GP pairings Contractor Buddying Script written Standing item on agenda Quarterly review of service delivery

10 Raising Profile of Community Pharmacy
Promotion Raising Profile of Community Pharmacy Improve use of website & social media Meeting attendance; voice for CP MP lobbying & pharmacy visits Opportunistic e.g. interviews Sharing good practice from other LPCs/Countries etc Claire/Susie

11 Promotion Action Log Action Lead Progress Completed
Ensuring we have up to date press contacts SC Ensure press are contacted with news items CT

12 Governance CPS Performance Self Evaluation GDPR
Risk Register & Asset Register Corporate Governance & policy review Budget Annual employee appraisals Member skills assessment

13 Governance Action Log Action Lead Progress Completed Self Evaluation
CT/DR Published on website 20/11/18 14/12/18 GDPR CT Workbook complete, procedures need writing Risk Register Draft created – meeting to be arranged with subgroup (Jan) Asset Register Draft created Corporate Governance & policy review MW Budget GC Done Skills assessment Appraisals – personal development plan DR Review PDP


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