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Realistic Contemporary Fiction Unit 2 Vocab

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1 Realistic Contemporary Fiction Unit 2 Vocab

2 disperse -verb -to spread over a wide area -to scatter
An event at lunch caused the gang to disperse (Draper 113).

3 bleak -adj -lacking in warmth, life, or kindliness -dreary, grim, depressing Julio mentions a cold, bleak rain (Draper 129)

4 cultivate -verb -to try to acquire or develop -(also) to prepare and use land for crops or gardening Julio’s mom tells him to cultivate his friendship with Romiette (Draper 131).

5 mindful -adj -conscious or aware of something
Destiny tells Romiette that her star book warns them to be mindful of the consequences of a fire/water meeting (Draper 147).

6 sanction -verb -give official permission or approval for an action
Julio’s dad says he won’t sanction the relationship (Draper 151).

7 perceptive -adj -having or showing sensitive insight -observant
Romiette is glad that her mom is so perceptive (Draper 170).

8 simultaneously -adv -occurring at the same time
The gang members exited the car simultaneously (Draper 176).

9 conviction -noun -a firmly held belief or opinion
Romiette spoke without conviction (Draper 180).

10 soberly -adv -in a grave or serious manner
Julio spoke soberly about the gang (Draper 180).

11 retaliation -noun -the act of getting back at someone -revenge
Romiette and Julio fear gang retaliaton (Draper 190).

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