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2 Measure the actual value of each resistor and record in Table 2.1

3 PART A Construct the circuit shown in Fig. 2.1


5 Commence at point A and measure the potential difference between each successive pair of lettered terminals for Mesh 1. i. e. A-B, B-C, C-D and D-A. (Note: DMM’s probes have to be placed consistently.) Record down the measured values in Table 2.2. A B

6 Reference points Measured Values Theoretical Values Potential Difference (V) Sign (+ or -) A-B  0.596 V - B-C 7.558 V C-D  10 V  + D-A  1.846 V

7 A C Measure the potential difference for the points AC, CE and EA. Verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law using the displayed values. (Note that VCA is actually VC – VA). What can be deduced from this condition? Record the measured values in Table 2.3.

8 Potential Difference (V)
Reference points Measured Values Theoretical Values Potential Difference (V) Sign (+ or -) A-C 8.154 V   - C-E  9.345 V + E-A  1.191 V Measure the potential difference for the points AC, CE and EA. Verify Kirchhoff’s voltage law using the displayed values. (Note that VCA is actually VC – VA). What can be deduced from this condition? VAC + VCE + VEA = – = 0 V

9 x y z PART B Measure the branch currents entering node A by placing ammeter as shown in Fig. 2.1. Record the magnitude and the direction of the current as indicated by each ammeter in Table 2.4. Resistance Current Current direction R3 1.191 mA  Going out R4   mA Going out  R6 1.806 mA  Going into

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