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Minerals & Rocks.

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals & Rocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals & Rocks

2 Minerals Naturally occurring, homogeneous substances that are inorganic. Minerals make up rocks Feldspar Quartz

3 Mineral Characteristics
Color Luster Hardness Streak Cleavage Crystal structure Density

4 Color Not a great identifying characteristic
Many minerals are the same color Some minerals come in many colors

5 Luster The way light is reflected off the surface Metallic Luster
Hard, shiny look, like metal Nonmetallic Luster Can still be shiny, but some light passes through

6 Hardness Ability to scratch other minerals Mohs’ Scale of Hardness

7 Streak The powdered form of the mineral
Found by rubbing the mineral on an unglazed streak plate

8 Cleavage Tendency of a mineral to break along flat planes

9 Crystal Structure Many minerals have distinctive crystal shapes

10 Density Specific Gravity
Ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water If density = 4 g/ml Specific gravity = 4


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