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You still need to include in this survival kit:

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1 You still need to include in this survival kit:
Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls. You still need to include in this survival kit: Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls. You still need to include in this survival kit: Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls. You still need to include in this survival kit: Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls. You still need to include in this survival kit: Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls. You still need to include in this survival kit: Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls. You still need to include in this survival kit: Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls. You still need to include in this survival kit: Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls. You still need to include in this survival kit: Spare pocketknife (one that is fairly strong). 50 cents for phone calls.

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