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Using feedback to inform planning

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1 Using feedback to inform planning
In ICT we use several feedback methods that then inform how we deliver future lessons. Trackers and live marking Self and peer assessment Online testing Whole class feedback and dirt tasks.

2 Trackers and live marking
We ensure trackers are regularly used to inform students of their strengths and areas to improve but the visual of a tracker often influences the reteach section of our lessons and clearly highlights areas students did not get as. A class As small groups As individuals. We can then tailor support to close that gap. Trackers are often updated live in lesson with students at our desk. This incorporates live marking and often other students watch in and correct their own mistakes by simply being nosey and listening in. Each teacher has a variation on the same core tracking sheet to support and develop their students. Comments are added to support each student to improve. B.R.A.G KEY Red :Nothing completed Amber: Some tasks partially completed Blue: Almost entire task completed but improvements still needed Green:Completed in line with target

3 Trackers for self and peer assessment
Trackers are used on a feedback cycle where students check their own and each others work and then at the end of every cycle the teacher quality assures the work to ensure their own feedback is in line with teacher feedback. Where differences arise we then model more of WAGOLL to ensure students can accurately self and peer assess work. From this tracker we can easily spot students were generous with their marking and awarded themselves a Pass mark. Work will now be done on ensuring students understand what makes a Pass piece of work. This is done in the whole class feedback session. The cycle repeats and I would hope that next time the differences between self/peer and teacher assessment is less. Over time this also shows me the students who are getting a Pass grade easily so I can focus on them getting the Merit and Distinction grades safe in the knowledge they fully understand what a good Pass piece of work looks like. Meaning I can have targeted groups in lesson

4 Online test to inform planning
Sites such as Kahoot or Quizziz are invaluable for a quick way of checking students have ‘got’ the basics of what you are teaching. There are 1000s of pre prepared tests so preparation is minimal. From this quiz I could easily spot that my students fully understood what a GUI was however the areas several students got wrong were. This informs my next session planning What is a WIMP What does robust mean? What does Fit for purpose mean?

5 Whole class feedback and DIRT tasks
Whole class feedback is beginning to be utilised across the whole department. It’s saving us time on producing individualised stamps and we can use that time to them be planning reteach and DIRT tasks for following lessons.

6 Whole class feedback and DIRT tasks

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