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9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries

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1 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries
Divergent Boundaries-tectonic plates move apart 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries  Oceanic Ridges and Seafloor Spreading • Oceanic ridges are continuous elevated zones on the floor of all major ocean basins. • Seafloor spreading produces new oceanic lithosphere.

2 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries
Oceanic Ridges example- Mid-Atlantic Ridge 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries

3 Spreading Center Divergent tectoniv plate boundary Seafloor spreading
Mid-ocean ridge

4 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries
Convergent Boundaries- Occur when two plates move together Three kinds of convergent plate boundaries: Oceanic-Continental Continental –Continental Oceanic-Oceanic

5 1. Oceanic-Continental Convergent Boundary
• Continental volcanic arcs form in part by volcanic activity caused by the subduction of oceanic crust beneath a continent. Examples include the Andes Moujntains along the west coast of South America.

6 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries
Convergent Boundaries 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries 2. Oceanic-Oceanic • Two oceanic slabs converge and one descends beneath the other. • Volcanic island arcs form as volcanoes emerge from the sea. • Examples include the Aleutian, Mariana, and Tonga islands.

7 2. Oceanic-Oceanic Convergent Boundary

8 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries
Convergent Boundaries 9.3 Actions at Plate Boundaries 3. Continental-Continental • When 2 continents collide • This kind of boundary can produce new mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas.

9 Collision of India and Asia

10 Testing Plate Tectonics
Evidence for Plate Tectonics Testing Plate Tectonics  Hot Spots A hot spot is a concentration of heat in the mantle capable of producing magma, which rises to Earth’s surface; The Pacific tectonic plate moves over a hot spot, producing the Hawaiian Islands. Hot spot evidence supports that the plates move over the Earth’s surface.

11 Hot Spot

12 Convergent Plate Boundaries Summary
1. Oceanic-Oceanic Ocean crust moves under ocean crust Produces volcanic islands Example Aleutian Islands 2. Continental-Continental Continents move into each other Prodices mountains Example Himalayan Mountains of Nepal 3. Oceanic –Continental Ocean crust moves under a continent Produces Volcanic arcs Example Andes Mountains

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