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The Future of IR analysis

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1 The Future of IR analysis
Guy Van Gyes Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue Conference, Budapest, 16 April 2013

2 Questions to be tackled
What are the most significant changes in industrial relations practices, and which are likely to remain? 1 What are the main trends in industrial relations analysis and do we have the right tools and data for the purpose? 3 What are likely to be the main issues which industrial relations analysts and social partners will need to address in the coming years? 2

3 Question 1: CHANGES

4 Social dialogue more and more seen as a dinosaur by power elite

5 1. Crisis context Less work = less choice = more insecurity
Definite breakthrough – European level of socio-economic governance Beggar-the-neighbour policies German wage dumping leadership Dismantling (?) of Southern model of social dialogue Flexibilisation policies are on the rise again (East & South), not flexicurity Easing of dismissal procedures Removing barriers for temporary contracts Liberalisering working time regulation More strict rules sickness leave

6 Employment relationship = inherently contradictions
ECONOMIC EXCHANGE POWER RELATIONSHIP SD = democratisation by institutionalisation (values, rules, norms IR as policy field always be there in a European market economy The question is how much and what kind of social dialogue about it?

7 Input from science-based analysis
Developed SD is a key societal instrument against: EU and national politics = rising democratic deficit Rising inequality (cf. downward wage trend) Imbalances are growing between EU countries = of social dialogue; gap between strong and weak is increasing Complementarity perspective: SD can not play its role alone, is part of complementary policies, institutions in other domains => Institutions against financialisation economy; long-term perspective in entrepeneurship

8 Input from science-based analysis
European economy is not driven by cost-competitiveness, but by income-led, wage-led growth Income of middle classes is key in the world economy Demand for unions is growing (gap between demand – not delivering = decreasing membership) Micro-macro perspective is different: Average wage is increasing, because of composition effects (low-wage jobs cut) Downward wage rigidity of individual wages is high in Belgium; macro-level wage flexibility comparable with more liberal countries like UK

9 Question 2: Challenges

10 Is not a certain policy theory reigning Europe the dinosaur?
Solidarity perspective – not everything for sale at every price – social dialogue as instrument for this high-road strategy

11 Sustainability perspective
Prospective studies (not nostaligic looking back) What is in it for employers’ side: security perspective; macro-perspective Focus on workplace social dialogue Role employee representation in workplace innovation Trust factor in change; Strategic involvement: EU wage coordination supporting ‘sustainaible’ growth Macro-economic role a minimum Eurozone wage policy that looks to inflation & productivity (function of automatic stabilizers like minimum wage & automatic wage indexation implemented at the right level) Corporate governance (cf. complementarities) Assessment European Company Statute Monitoring the alternatives Individual juridisation Social movement outside the social dialogue ‘Bad’ power practices (ignoring fundamental rights)


13 3.Comparative tools for analysis
Keeping and strengthening linked employer-employee surveys Integration of EU agencies surveys to something stronger & better Harmonisation of data on collectively agreed wages I&C rights What kind of financial and economic rights reps have and how are they used Not looking to structures, but practices Sociology of law

14 Innovation – Evidence-based – Comparative data

15 Thank you

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