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Titrations - Controlled addition and measurement of the amount of a solution of known concentration that is required to react with a measured amount of.

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Presentation on theme: "Titrations - Controlled addition and measurement of the amount of a solution of known concentration that is required to react with a measured amount of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Titrations - Controlled addition and measurement of the amount of a solution of known concentration that is required to react with a measured amount of a solution of unknown concentration.

2 Important Terms and Concepts
Standard solution – solution of known concentration. Indicators – weak acid or weak base dyes that are sensitive to pH (hydronium ion concentration). Equivalence point – The point at which the two solutions used in a titration are present in chemically equivalent amounts. For our purposes, H3O+ = OH- (moles of Acid = moles of Base)

3 Review How many moles of cesium hydroxide are needed to react with excess magnesium phosphide to form 35.8 grams of cesium phosphide? ___ CsOH + ___ Mg3P2 → ___ Mg(OH) ___ Cs3P

4 Review Calculate the molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 5.64 grams of (NH4)2SO4 in enough water to produce 80.0mL of solution. What volume of 1.6 M nitric acid solution can be made with 66.0 grams of HNO3?

5 Neutralization Main Idea: Acids react with bases to produce a salt and water.

6 Predicting Products Example #1: phosphoric acid (H3PO4) reacts with magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2. H3PO Mg(OH)2 → Example #2: sulfuric acid reacts with lithium hydroxide

7 Practice Titration Problems
2 HCl + Ba(OH)2  BaCl H2O 1) It requires 27.4mL of a standard solution of M Ba(OH)2 to completely neutralize 20.0mL of an HCl solution. Find the molarity of the acid. Known Solution Unknown Solution Start bridge with volume of known solution.

8 Practice Titration Problems
2 KOH + H2SO4  K2SO H2O 2) What volume of 1.25M potassium hydroxide is required to neutralize 25.0mL of 12.0M sulfuric acid? Known Solution Unknown Solution Start bridge with volume of known solution.

9 Practice Titration Problems
H2SO LiOH  Li2SO H2O 3) 17.6mL of H2SO4 is neutralized by 30.6 mL of M LiOH solution. Find the molarity of the acid. Known Solution Unknown Solution Start bridge with volume of known solution.

10 Practice Titration Problems
1) It requires 27.4mL of a standard solution of M Ba(OH)2 to completely neutralize 20.0mL of an HCl solution. Find the molarity of the acid. Since we are switching substances: STOICHIOMETRY!!!! mol HCl LAcid ? 27.4mL Base = L Base Mole-to-mole using balanced equation! 0.0154mol Ba(OH)2 LBase 2 HCl + Ba(OH)2  BaCl H2O Start bridge with volume of known solution. 20.0mL Acid = L Acid 0.0274L Base mol Ba(OH)2 2 mol HCl 1 LBase 1 mol Ba(OH)2 0.0200LAcid = M HCl

11 Practice Titration Problems
2) What volume of 1.25M potassium hydroxide is required to neutralize 25.0mL of 12.0M sulfuric acid? 12.0 mol H2SO4 L Known Solution 25.0mL = L 0.600mol 1.25 = Unknown Solution 1.25 M KOH X Mole-to-mole using balanced equation! 2 KOH + H2SO4  K2SO H2O 0.0250L H2SO4 12.0 mol H2SO4 2 mol KOH 1 L 1 mol H2SO4 = L or mL KOH Start bridge with volume of known solution.

12 Practice Titration Problems
3) 17.6mL of H2SO4 is neutralized by 30.6 mL of M LiOH solution. Find the molarity of the acid. 30.6 mL LiOH = L LiOH Known Solution mol LiOH L mol Unknown Solution 17.6 mL H2SO4 = L H2SO4 0.0176L H2SO LiOH  Li2SO H2O Mole-to-mole using balanced equation! M H2SO4 L LiOH mol LiOH 1 mol H2SO4 2 mol LiOH 1 L Start bridge with volume of known solution.

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