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Requirements Formalization

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1 Requirements Formalization
Lab5 Presentation Group 13 António Pereira (63287) Ana Almeida (64719) Hugo Gonçalves (66998)

2 Requirements Formalization
System Requirements Functional Data Environment User Usability Validation Plan

3 Requirements Formalization
the model we are using to identify and specify requirements is based on The Volere Model the elements we used were: Requirement ID Description Dependencies Customer Satisfaction Customer Dissatisfaction

4 Requirements Formalization
Functional Requirements remove photos upload photos add tags User search photos by tags create folders share photos add contacts

5 Requirements Formalization
Data Requirements system inputs are photos tags are used to identify photos and help the user to search them tags can be places, events, people in the photos, etc system outputs are tagged photos Gerês

6 Requirements Formalization
Data Requirements

7 Requirements Formalization
Environment Requirements the system will run on a smartphone the system will run on an Android platform

8 Requirements Formalization
User Requirements users must know to to perform with a smartphone users also need to know how to work with an Android system users must own digital photos users must want to see their photos users may want to organize their photos

9 Requirements Formalization
User Requirements

10 Requirements Formalization
Usability Requirements interface elements must be easy to understand interface elements should be consistent it must be easy to avoid and recover from errors

11 Validation Plan to validate our requirements we decided to do the following tasks: talk to the monitoring group about our general ideas brainstorming creativity “is anything missing?” “is this too much?” present mockups to discuss possible solutions present a list of possible features

12 Questions?

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