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The tasks follow 4 pathways identified on the CR Matrix.

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1 The tasks follow 4 pathways identified on the CR Matrix.
This is a brief look at possible DOK tasks aligned to the Hess CR Math Matrix. The tasks follow 4 pathways identified on the CR Matrix. Pathway 1 includes: Knowledge at DOK-1 and Comprehension at DOK-1. Pathway 2 includes: Application at DOK-1, Comprehension at DOK-2 and Application at DOK-2. Pathway 3 includes: Analysis at DOK-1, Analysis at DOK-2, Comprehension at DOK-3, Application at DOK-3, Analysis at DOK-3 and Evaluation at DOK-3. Pathway 4 includes: Synthesis at DOK-2, Synthesis at DOK-3, Comprehension at DOK-4, Application at DOK-4, Analysis at DOK-4, Evaluation at DOK-4 and Synthesis at DOK-4.

2 Hess Cognitive Rigor Math Matrix
Blooms  DOK LEVEL 1 Recall and Reproduction DOK LEVEL 2 Basic Skills and Concepts DOK LEVEL 3 Strategic Thinking and Reasoning DOK LEVEL 4 Extended Thinking Remember (Knowledge) Retrieve knowledge from long-term memory, recognize, recall, locate, identify. Knowledge/Remember Ra. Recall, observe, & recognize facts, principles, properties Rb. Recall/ identify conversions among representations or numbers (e.g., customary and metric measures Understand (Comprehend) Construct meaning, clarify, paraphrase, represent, translate, illustrate, give examples, classify, categorize, summarize, generalize, infer a logical conclusion), predict, compare/contrast, match like ideas, explain, construct models. Comprehend/Understand DOK1 Cc. Evaluate an expression Cd. Locate points on a grid or number on number line Ce. Solve a one-step problem Cf. Represent math relationships in words, pictures, or symbols Cg. Read, write, compare decimals in scientific notation Comprehend/Understand DOK2 Cm. Specify and explain relationships Cn. Make and record observations Co. Explain steps followed Cp. Summarize results or concepts Cq. Make basic inferences or logical predictions from data/observations Cr. Use models /diagrams to represent or explain mathematical concepts Cs. Make and explain estimates Comprehend/Understand DOK3  CH. Use concepts to solve non-routine problems CI. Explain, generalize, or connect ideas using supporting evidence CJ. Make and justify conjectures CK. Explain thinking when more than one response is possible CL. Explain phenomena in terms of concepts Comprehend/Understand DOK4 Cee. Relate mathematical or scientific concepts to other content areas, other domains, or other concepts Cff. Develop generalizations of the results obtained and the strategies used (from investigation or readings) and apply them to new problem situations Apply Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation; carry out (apply to a familiar task), or use (apply) to an unfamiliar task. Application DOK 1 APh. Follow simple procedures (recipe-type)) APi. Calculate, measure, apply a rule (e.g., rounding) APj. Apply algorithm or formula (e.g., area, perimeter) APk. Solve linear equations APl. Make conversions among representations or numbers, or within and between customary and metric measures Application DOK 2 APt. Select a procedure according to criteria and perform it APu. Solve routine problem applying multiple concepts or decision points APv. Retrieve information from a table, graph, or figure- use it solve a problem w’ multiple steps APw. Translate between tables, graphs, words, and symbolic notations (e.g., graph data from a table) APx. Construct models given criteria Application DOK 3 APM. Design investigation for a specific purpose or research question APN. Conduct a designed investigation APO. Use concepts to solve non-routine problems APP. Use & show reasoning, planning, and evidence APQ. Translate between problem & symbolic notation when not a direct translation Application DOK 4  APgg. Select or devise approach among many alternatives to solve a problem APhh. Conduct a project that specifies a problem, identifies solution paths, solves the problem, and reports results Analyze Break into constituent parts, determine how parts relate, differentiate between relevant-irrelevant, distinguish, focus, select, organize, outline, find coherence, deconstruct (e.g., for bias or point of view). Analyze DOK 1 ANy. Retrieve information from a table or graph to answer a question ANz. Identify whether specific information is contained in graphic representations (e.g., table, graph, T-chart, diagram) ANA. Identify a pattern/trend Analyze DOK 2 ANB. Categorize, classify materials, data, figures based on characteristics ANC. Organize or order data AND. Compare/ contrast figures or data ANE. Select appropriate graph - organize data ANF. Interpret data from a simple graph ANG. Extend a pattern Analyze DOK 3 ANR. Compare information within or across data sets or texts ANS. Analyze and draw conclusions from data, ANT. Generalize a pattern ANU. Interpret data from complex graph ANV. Analyze similarities/differences between procedures or solutions Analyze DOK 4 ANii. Analyze multiple sources of evidence ANjj. Analyze complex/abstract themes ANkk. Gather, analyze, and evaluate information Evaluate Make judgments based on criteria, check, detect inconsistencies or fallacies, judge, critique. Evaluate DOK 3 EVW. Cite evidence and develop a logical argument for concepts or solutions EVX. Describe, compare, and contrast solution methods EVY. Verify reasonableness of results Evaluate DOK 4 EVll. Gather, analyze, & evaluate information to draw conclusions EVmm. Apply understanding in a novel way, provide argument or justification for the application Create (Synthesize) Reorganize elements into new patterns/structures, generate, hypothesize, design, plan, produce. Create/Synthesize DOK 1 SYZ. Brainstorm ideas, concepts, or perspectives related to a topic Create/Synthesize DOK 2 SYaa. Generate conjectures or hypotheses based on observations or prior knowledge and experience Create/Synthesize DOK 3 SYbb. Synthesize information within one data set, source, or text SYcc. Formulate original problem in a situation SYdd. Develop a scientific/mathematical model for a complex situation Create/Synthesize DOK 4 SYnn. Synthesize information across multiple sources or texts SYoo. Design a mathematical model to inform and solve a practical or abstract situation Hess Cognitive Rigor Math Matrix

3 DOK1 Pathway K1 2 + 2 = 4 ADDING C1 DOK2 Pathway C2 AP1 AP2
= 4 Everything has a name. What is this called? Putting Together C1 Everything has a purpose. What is adding? DOK2 Pathway 2 + 1 = ___ AP1 Use the rule. Everything has a rule Sally has 4 apples in a bowl and 6 apples on the table. Lupe has 6 apples in a bowl and 4 apples on the table. 2+1= 1+2= Does the rule change? What did change? C2 The rule is consistent Use the rule to solve the problem in a new way. Who has the most apples? AP2 The rule guides use

4 DOK3 Pathway AN1 AN2 C3 AP3 AN3 EV3
Two students have different ideas about how to make an addition problem using these three numbers. DOK3 Pathway Julie: Seven cows ate grass. More cows came out to eat grass too. Now there are 13. Marcos: I have 13 marbles. Can I share them equally? Which is the sum? AN1 Which are the addends? 4 + 5 = 9 Locate the Variables Why are the addends smaller than the sum? AN2 4 + 5 = 9 Relationship of Variables C3 Generalize a Concept Who is right? Are they both right? Show it.. What can you generalize from your answer? Sam wants to create a story problem using all of the numbers to count library books. What could he do? Use words, pictures and labels. AP3 Generalized Concept Guides Use Justify your answer. AN3 Organization of Variables What did you do? How did you do it? Which set of numbers can either be addends or sums? Use all of the numbers. EV3 Verify Reasonableness of Results John says that the set of numbers can be either addends or sums using all numbers. Develop a mathematical argument. Use words, calculations or labeled diagrams to support your thinking. Is John correct?

5 DOK4 Pathway SY2 SY3 C4 AP4 AN4 EV4 SY4 What can you predict?
I made 9 squares because 9 is the largest number. Then I counted from 0 to 9 and that made a sum of 9. Now 9 can be an addend or a sum = 9! Next I counted backward from the 9th square until I go to the number 5. Then I counted how many squares were left. There were 4. This showed that = 9. Now I have used all 4 numbers. 0 + 9 = 9 4 + 5 = 9 Explain your strategy. Based on my results I can predict or hypothesize. What can you predict? Which set did you choose? I can predict that “If I can make a sum from two numbers in the set and make an addend from the sum and another number in the set, then I know I have the correct set to show that numbers can be either addends or sums.” Add the smallest numbers together to see if they equaled the largest number. Then, I took the sum and added it to the smaller numbers to see if it could also be an addend. SY2 Generate a Hypothesis Use another strategy to prove you were correct. SY3 Prove your Hypothesis I identified and classified variables. I determined the factors and how to organize them. C4 Conceptualize the Strategy How can you use your strategy another way? No Identify and Classify the Variables fish bird reptile Hard Shelled Eggs Soft Shelled Eggs What steps do I take to organize them? Yes Determine Factors How did 5 students solve the problem? How did 5 students solve the problem? How did 5 students solve the problem? AP4 Devise a Way to Solve a Problem Use your data as supporting evidence. How did 5 students solve the problem? What was the common factor in all 5 sources? Variable Factors from Sources Animals Hard Shelled Eggs Survival Rate Soft Shelled Eggs reptiles 15 85% 20 60% birds 12 80% 5 45% fish 25 72% 11 35% AN4 Find Coherence among Sources Use a strategy to organize source information. What impact do hard or soft shelled eggs contribute to an animal’s survival? Explain why your analysis is correct. Animals with hard shells have a higher survival rate. EV4 Evaluate and Justify How accurate is your analysis? I will justify my conclusion using other variables. I will draw a conclusion based on my data. Did other variables contribute to survival rate? SY4 Synthesize a New Perspective How would you solve this problem? What most impacted animal survival rate? I will create a mathematical formula for increasing the survival rate of animals with soft shelled eggs. All sources point to one consistent cause.

6 Keep Moving Forward!! 4 3 2 1 Susan Richmond 2014

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