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EPICS Meeting March 12 – 14, 2008, Shanghai, China

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Presentation on theme: "EPICS Meeting March 12 – 14, 2008, Shanghai, China"— Presentation transcript:

1 EPICS Meeting March 12 – 14, 2008, Shanghai, China
Update on Injection and Extraction Kicker Controls at SNS Johnny Tang March 13, 2008

2 SNS Accelerator – Functions of Injection & Extraction Kickers
Accumulator Ring Collimators Front-End: Produce a 1-msec long, chopped, H- beam 1 GeV LINAC Accumulator Ring: Compress 1 msec long pulse to 700 nsec Injection Extraction RF Current 1ms 1000 MeV RTBT 2.5 MeV HEBT Front-End 945 ns 1 ms macropulse Current mini-pulse Chopper system makes gaps LINAC Liquid Hg Target

3 Ramping Up to SNS Design Capability
Control Requirements Driven by Machine Operation Performance Goals Ramping Up to SNS Design Capability In the next three years: 1) 1.4 MW beam power 2) ~5000 hours of operation per year 3) >90% availability UTBOG_S&T_NeuFac_0801

4 Kicker Waveform Profile Monitor
WE7000 Customized Embedded Logic Only for parameter pass/fail test Only for Injection Kicker System with existing WE7000 VME Waveform Module Solution Z-TEC EPICS oscilloscope Solution Waveform Mask Pass/fail Test High performance Hardware LeCroy 64Xi oscilloscope with SNS Firmware Solution 4 Channel Waveform Mask Pass/Fail at 60 Hz




8 Already a World’s Highest Power Pulsed SNS
ISIS Beam Power

9 Thank You ! We welcome you to Oak Ridge to work on Accelerator Controls to bring SNS to its Design Capability in the next 3 years. Please your CV to if you are interested

10 Reference For Details on SNS Injection and Extraction Kicker Control, Ref to my talk at APS EPICS meeting 2006

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