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Basic idea of working with polarized light: We get more information than with unpolarized one

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Presentation on theme: "Basic idea of working with polarized light: We get more information than with unpolarized one"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Spectroscopy: Computation of Magnetic Vibrational Circular Dichroism

2 Basic idea of working with polarized light: We get more information than with unpolarized one
Example: ROA Spectra from Charles University, Prague

3 vibrational/rotational
Chiroptical Methods Natural Chirality electronic vibrational ORD > 1848 V-ORD ? ECD > 1960 VCD 1972/1995 CPL > 1960 ROA 1973/2005 Induced by a Magnet vibrational/rotational Faraday > 1845 V-MORD ? MCD > 1930 MVCD 1981 MCPL MROA

4 MVCD Experiment

5 MVCD Experiment RR (gas) MVCD Pure vibrational (liquid state) MVCD
Theory: qualitative explanations “A terms” only cannot simulate spectra modern approach needed X not now !

6 Perturbation of Vibrational States in the Magnetic Field
nX, nY n(+), n(-) B (mixing and splitting) but in solution: average energy zero ….

7 Perturbation of Vibrational States in the Magnetic Field
nX, nY n(+), n(-) B (mixing and splitting) How to imagine: nY nX - + but in solution: average energy zero …. -

8 Perturbation of Vibrational States in the Magnetic Field
nX, nY n(+), n(-) B (mixing and splitting) How to imagine: nY n(+) = nX + i nY + nX - + but in solution: average energy zero …. m -

9 Perturbation of Vibrational States in the Magnetic Field - Math

10 Perturbation of Vibrational States in the Magnetic Field - Math

11 Perturbation of Vibrational States in the Magnetic Field - Math
Second-order perturbation theory:

12 (cont.) … molecule fixed frame

13 (cont.) … molecule fixed frame
… solution: isotropic (rotational) averages, e.g. “Faraday’s B-term” of Stephens, but for vibrations

14 … but if Ejk = 0 ? “Dirty” trick: spectral lines always broad, can introduce arbitrary perturbation replace (1/E) by f(E)/2 E < 0

15 … but if Ejk = 0 ? “Dirty” trick: spectral lines always broad, can introduce arbitrary perturbation replace (1/E) by f(E)/2 E < 0 |E| > 0: … no effect E = 0: f(E) = . Shape does not depend on d

16 … closer look Equilibrium dipole APT APT derivatives AAT zero
AAT derivatives harmonic part ... does not contribute to B-term AAT derivatives are the leading term for MVCD

17 MVCD working equation APT, from Gaussian directly
AAT derivatives, from Gaussian numerically vibrational (harmonic) frequencies, from Gaussian directly

18 1,3,5-chlorobenzene and triazine
B3LYP/ G** signs and relative intensities agree 1440x 1440y 1600x y

19 tetraphenylporphyrin
B3LYP/ G**/6-31G** non-degenerate states only, A and B terms in one shot

20 Summary We can simulate MVCD
May be useful to assign modes/study molecules Measurement – MVCD cell

21 Uveřejněné materiály jsou určeny studentům Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze jako studijní materiál. Některá textová i obrazová data v nich obsažená jsou převzataz veřejných zdrojů. V případě nedostatečných citací nebylo cílem autora/ů záměrně poškodit event. autora/y původního díla. S eventuálními výhradami se prosím obracejte na autora/y konkrétního výukového materiálu, aby bylo možné zjednat nápravu. The published materials are intended for students of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague as a study material. Some text and image data contained therein are taken from public sources. In the case of insufficient quotations, the author's intention was not to intentionally infringe the possible author(s) rights to the original work. If you have any reservations, please contact the author(s) of the specific teaching material in order to remedy the situation.

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