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1 Hour Training Bubbles Manual Handling Refresher

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1 1 Hour Training Bubbles Manual Handling Refresher
Your Name

2 Objectives At the end of this session you will be able to:
Identify the method to use when lifting a load (GRASP) Demonstrate a correct lifting technique Recognise the manual handling Safe System of Work

3 SSOW Warning Beware of unusual, heavy or awkward loads
Prohibition (Do Not) Do not twist while lifting a load Do not exceed business weight limits Do not run while carrying a load Do not allow load to obscure your view Do not lift loads which are beyond your capability Mandatory (Do) Do ensure that mechanical lifting aids are used whenever possible (but only if trained) Do ensure that correct lifting techniques are always practiced Do ensure that your route is clear before transporting any loads Do ensure that load is tested before attempting to lift Do ensure load is kept close to body during lift Safety Always breakdown large or heavy loads before lifting Always seek assistance with any loads that are beyond your capability Local hazards

4 Grasp Stop and Think ! G ather Information R oute A ssess the Load
S tance P roceed with the movement

5 Firmbase Technique

6 Objectives At the end of this session you will be able to:
Identify the method to use when lifting a load (GRASP) Demonstrate a correct lifting technique Recognise the manual handling Safe System of Work

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