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Plate Tectonics.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics

2 Pangaea The ancient (225 million years ago) supercontinent that split apart into the continents we know today.

3 Continental Drift The theory used to explain the movement of the continents on earth. It was first proposed by Alfred Wegner less than 100 years ago (1912) animation

4 Plate Boundaries The term “plate boundary” refers to the edges where the different plates on earth are touching. illustration Each of the plates have a name.

5 There are Three Types of Plate Boundaries
Convergent areas of plates that are moving toward each other. Large and destructive earthquakes occur hear animation

6 There are Three Types of Plate Boundaries
Divergent areas of plates that are moving away from each other animation

7 There are Three Types of Plate Boundaries
Transform areas of plates that are sliding past each other; results in the large and destructive earthquakes image

8 Plate Boundary Locations
click image to launch animation

9 Two Types of Crust Continental Oceanic Granite Basalt Thick Thin Less Dense More Dense Old Young What happens when items of different densities meet?

10 Three Types of Convergent
Because of the nature of convergent boundaries (two plates pushing against each other), the fact that there are two kinds of crust means that there are three different kinds of convergent boundaries: continental – continental oceanic – continental oceanic – oceanic

11 Continental - Continental
Continental - Continental results in huge mountain-building – the Himalayas are examples of this type of plate boundary interaction

12 Himalayan Mountains

13 Oceanic - Continental Oceanic vs. Continental results in drastic subduction and volcanoes – Cascade volcano mountain chain and the Andes mountains are examples of this type of plate interaction subduction animation


15 Oceanic - Oceanic Oceanic vs. Oceanic results in subduction with deep sea-floor trenches, sea floor volcanoes, and island arc volcanoes such as the Alutian Islands and the Caribbean. animation

16 Divergent Boundaries Divergent Boundary Animation
There are only two types of divergent boundaries: Continental Continental Oceanic Oceanic. Divergent Boundary Animation

17 Continental Continental Rifting
Oceanic crust is being created. Eventually the rift valley will become so large it will connect with an ocean and fill with ocean water. It will continue to grow until it is an ocean and will be a sea floor spreading mid-ocean ridge.

18 Continental Rifting East Africa Rift Zone Lots of volcanoes

19 East Africa Rift Zone

20 Oceanic - Oceanic Sea Floor Spreading

21 Mid Atlantic Ridge

22 Transform Boundary

23 San Andreas Fault

24 Let’s Review What are the three type of plate boundaries? convergent divergent transform

25 Let’s Review Which type of plate boundary has three sub- types? convergent

26 Let’s Review Which type of convergent boundary results in the highest mountains? continental - continental

27 Let’s Review Which type of convergent boundary results in island building? oceanic - oceanic

28 Let’s Review Which type of plate boundary results in the largest, most destructive earthquakes? transform

29 Think About It What kind of crust is always involved in the formation of volcanoes? oceanic

30 Think About It The Ring of Fire is a large ring of volcanoes here on Earth. It is found on the edges of the Pacific plate. What kind of plate interaction is occurring? oceanic – continental ; subduction of the Pacific plate

31 More Great Science from The Science Vault
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