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Automated heavy vehicles in remote areas

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1 Automated heavy vehicles in remote areas
The background image can be changed to be topic suitable, if required. Ensure it is of a high quality and well cropped, with the blue opacity layer. Contact the Branding and Marketing team if you need assistance. Automated heavy vehicles in remote areas Dr Ronny Kutadinata, Anthony Germanchev – 1 Nov 2018

2 Acknowledgement The project was funded by Austroads, the peak organisation of Australasian road transport and traffic agencies. This project is part of the Austroads Network Operations program, specifically under the Freight focus area. More details, including related publications, can be found on:

3 Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps
Key challenges in remote areas Harsh environment No comms Source: Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps

4 Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps
Emerging opportunities Single vehicle automation Various SAE level Safety concerns on mode transition Platooning Electronic coupling between heavy vehicles. Can follow as close as 6 m at 100 km/h (Bishop, 2017) Low latency V2V communication Various configurations Source: Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps

5 Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps
What kind of platooning? Implications: Operational framework (e.g. safety case, geofencing) Business models and scheduling Benefits Source: Peloton (2018) Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps

6 Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps
Operational use cases Routes Distance: 11 km to 800 km. Road: all surfaces Hours: 24/7/365 Ownership: LG and state National: No, intrastate only Vehicles Type: triple and quad combinations Mass: GCM 220 tonnes Fleet: 750 Make/model: various Safety: Telematics with IVMS, DSS Benefits IRR of 12.5% Safety: less fatality and injury Desired level: SAE3 Some fuel and maintenance Some confirmation on the identified challenges re operational environment. Single vehicle seems to be more attractive considering the business and operational model AHV tech untested on the vehicle combinations – what risks we are willing to tolerate? Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps

7 Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps
Roadmap for Australia and New Zealand Plan based on incremental technology advances Challenges on developing robust software No L3+ yet, plan for L1-L2 for the coming years Focus on “known” infrastructure requirements, and possible those that benefits both machine and human (line marking, sealed) Safety improvements are largely unproven Trial data on system performance and safety before full-scale deployment Social license: public confidence Risk assessment (of failures) for geofencing SAE Level 3+ automated driving is not yet available for use on public roads Do not assume large safety improvements a priori from automation Conduct trial run field test projects to produce publicly available data on system performance and safety before full-scale deployment Confidence building for decision makers and the general public Assess possible worst-case conditions (various kinds of failures) first, and decide which risks are acceptable in the process of determining when and where to authorise operations without drivers in some of the trucks. Context – Technology – Industry needs – Next steps

8 QUESTIONS? Use if required

9 Ending slide

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