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From mobile TV applications to VTS PAR Scopes

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1 From mobile TV applications to VTS PAR Scopes
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2752r1 February 24, 2019 From mobile TV applications to VTS PAR Scopes Date: Authors: Jun Li, Thomson Inc.. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems

2 November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2752r1 February 24, 2019 Abstract This submission is a discussion on VTS SG PAR Scope based on Thomson’s research experience on mobile TV (DVB-H) extension to WiFi networks Jun Li, Thomson Inc.. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems

3 Outlines Features of mobile TV extension to WiFi
November 2007 doc.: IEEE /2752r1 February 24, 2019 Outlines Features of mobile TV extension to WiFi Requirements of mobile TV extension to WiFi Approaches we used Implications on VTS PAR Scope Jun Li, Thomson Inc.. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems

4 Features of mobile TV extension to WiFi networks
February 24, 2019 Features of mobile TV extension to WiFi networks Motivations Mobile TV (such as DVB-H) has coverage limitation More WiFi terminals are available WiFi infrastructure exists already Advantages Coverage extension (in-door, rural area, more terminals) Program dynamics, it can multiplex Local programs at hotspots Programs from different service operators Application rich because of pure IP and back channel availability Low cost (using existing infrastructure and sharing with other apps) Disadvantages Channel quality and bandwidth variation due to environment and interference Jun Li, Thomson Inc..

5 Requirements of mobile TV extension to WiFi networks
February 24, 2019 Requirements of mobile TV extension to WiFi networks Basic Scalability on number of users (Multicasting) Multiple programs (Multiplexing) Power-saving on mobile terminals Fast channel change Special Sharing with other applications (web data, VOIP) Dynamics on coverage areas (number of users) Dynamics on bandwidth availability (walls, interference) Jun Li, Thomson Inc..

6 Approaches Multicasting with channel coding at application layer
February 24, 2019 Approaches Multicasting with channel coding at application layer Traffic control for downlink Dynamic Re-multiplexing with admission control Use managed network Apply certain AP collaboration policy for un-managed networks Jun Li, Thomson Inc..

7 Issues in current 802.11 standard
February 24, 2019 Issues in current standard Weak multicasting support No link rate adaptation No feedback mechanism No per session power-saving Weak QoS support Cannot give multicasting priority over uni-casting Cannot give delay boundary Cannot adapt to interference / bandwidth availability QoS classification is too coarse Jun Li, Thomson Inc..

8 Implications on PAR topics
February 24, 2019 Implications on PAR topics Link adaptation Cross-layer API for multicasting rate selection and report on AP Per session/frame rate selection capability? QoS control EDCA extension : giving priority to AP, multicasting traffic Differentiation inside video class (such as SVC) HCCA simplification Delay boundary awareness Feedback API to upper layer BER, Packet loss, Power level in use etc… Overlapping BSS AP collaboration in managed networks (AP controller function?) Interference awareness in unmanaged networks Jun Li, Thomson Inc..

9 Suggestions to PAR scopes
February 24, 2019 Suggestions to PAR scopes Change #4 Modified EDCA timing and parameter selection for video transport To Modified EDCA and/or simplified HCCA for video transport Change #5 Asynchronous multicast streaming independent of power save modes employed by associated stations. Enhanced multicast streaming with QoS, power-saving capabilities Jun Li, Thomson Inc..

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