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Phones up! Be ready for a warm up discussion!

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Presentation on theme: "Phones up! Be ready for a warm up discussion!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phones up! Be ready for a warm up discussion!

2 “One might search the whole list of Congress, Judiciary, and Executive…[from] 1870 to 1895 and find little but damaged reputation” Henry Adams


4 Political Corruption in the Gilded Age
An Era of Good Stealings

5 Spoils System and Political Machines
Government jobs to loyal party members Fierce competition to prove loyalty What might be some problems with this system? Political Machines Small groups of politicians running cities Won loyalty of large voter base by making promises and providing for them Huge voter turnout


7 President Grant 1869-1877 Civil War Hero Scandalous! Re-election
Untrustworthy friends and colleagues given top government positions VP Colfax- railroad scheme Re-election Some broke away from Grant Liberal Republican Party Civil service reform End corruption in government Corrupt politicians across the nation during his tenure

8 President Garfield 1881-1881 :/
Assassinated early during presidency Assassin angry he didn’t get a government post All goes back to the spoils system and expectations people had Early drafts that later became the Pendleton Service Reform Act

9 Reform Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883) Est Civil Service Commission
In charge of Civil Service Exam Eventually helped weed out those employed due to the spoils system

10 Effects of Government Corruption
Pendleton Civil Service Act Want a govt job? Take the test

11 Attempts to Regulate Business
Interstate Commerce Commission (1887) Monitored RR shipping rates But only valid if crossed state lines First fed agency to monitor business practices Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) Outlawed trust that prevented free trade across state lines Rarely enforced Usually courts sided with business anyway Businesses used law against unions and strikes and typically won


13 President Cleveland 1885-1889 and 1893-1897
Reputation for honesty “A Democrat thief is as bad as a Republican thief” Supporter of laissez-faire capitalism and gold standard Opposed government subsidies and imperialism


15 Economic Crisis Great Panic of 1893 Inspired Populist Party
Wheat price plummeted Run on banks thus causing banks to fail High unemployment Pres Cleveland blamed silver!!! Inspired Populist Party


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