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Introduce myself, labor consultant, and go around the room

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1 PY17-18 Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER for 7/1/17-6/30/18)
Introduce myself, labor consultant, and go around the room Randy Mabson Program Coordinator

2 Overview of CAPER City of Pasadena is a recipient of entitlement funds from U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) A required annual report to show funding utilization and the progress on meeting goals set in the Five- Year ( ) Consolidated Plan, approved by City Council on July 13, 2015. PY17-18 CAPER is the third reporting year for the City’s Five-Year ( ) Consolidated Plan

3 Total Entitlement Award
PY16-17 Funding Resources Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Entitlement $1,764,254 Entitlement $533,744 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Entitlement $161,517 Total Entitlement Award $2,459,515 In addition to program income received: $196,250 (CDBG), and $1,250,415 (HOME)

4 Five-Year (2015-2019) Consolidated Plan Goals
Activity 5 Year Goals Annual Accomplishment (Year 3) Cumulative Accomplishment Years 1-5 Progress to Date Owner-Occupied Housing Rehabilitation  100 Housing Units  13  63 63% complete Jobs Created/retained 10 Jobs  0 0% complete Rental Housing  317 Housing Units  42 13% complete Services to the Homeless & Special Needs Populations 3,250 People 505 1,312 40% complete Public/Human Services 6,500 People  410 1,945 30% complete Infrastructure Improvements 50,000 Persons Benefit 10,840 24,315 49% complete Economic Development 5 Micro-Enterprises 2 Public Facility Improvements 15 Facilities 6 19 127% complete

5 Owner-Occupied Housing Rehab
5-Year Goal: 100 houses Year 3 Status: 63% complete Program expected to be at full capacity in PY17-18. HOME & MASH single family rehab programs are on track to meet 5-year goals

6 Jobs Created/Retained
5-Year Goals: 10 jobs Year 3 Status: 0% complete Reduced funding and lack of applications has limited the opportunity to solicit job creation projects. Goal will be removed from the 5-year plan through an amendment. MASH has placed dozens of trainees in permanent jobs but is considered by HUD as a housing rehabilitation program not a jobs program

7 Rental Housing 5-Year Goal: 317 units Year 3 Status: 13% completed
Declined Community Arms HOME grant would have accounted for 131 units. Centennial Place (Phase II) and Villa Los Robles projects to be completed during current program year. Goal will be modified through an amendment to 5-year plan.

8 Homeless Programs 5-Year Goal: 3,250 people
Year 3 Status: 40% complete Rapid re-housing will begin tracking individuals and families Weather-activated emergency shelters may increase clients with expected cold season Activity Progress To Date Rapid Re-Housing 112 Clients Served Homeless Overnight Shelter 990 Clients Served Homelessness Prevention 220 Clients Served

9 Public/Human Services
5-Year Goal: 6,500 people Year 3 Status: 30% complete Refined data collection of CDBG-funded social services have reduced accomplishment duplication of historical results Goal may be reduced through amendment of 5-year plan

10 Public Facility Improvements
5-Year Goal: 19 facilities Year 3 Status: 127% complete Six (6) projects in the pipeline were completed, including: - Public Park Wifi (La Pintoresca & Villa Parke) - Senior Center Roof Replacement - El Centro Rehabilitation - Union Station Homeless Service’s HVAC System

11 Infrastructure Improvements
5-Year Goal: 50,000 people Year 3 Status: 49% complete Two (2) sidewalk replacement projects to be completed during PY17-18: - North Raymond Street - Northwest Pasadena

12 Economic Development 5-Year Goal: 5 micro-enterprises
Year 3 Status: 40% complete Healthy Retail Program assisted 2 businesses: Los Robles Market The Corner Market

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