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Back to School Night 2017-2018 Mrs. Jennifer Koch First Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night 2017-2018 Mrs. Jennifer Koch First Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night Mrs. Jennifer Koch First Grade

2 Classroom Citizenship
Every child is expected to be Responsible, Respectful, and Ready to Learn! Each child will begin the day with the opportunity to show excellent effort and cooperation. A child who is having a difficult day will be encouraged to make positive changes and reflect on his/her behavior-promotes responsibility and ownership Every child has the right to be happy and safe in school. If another student is extremely disruptive to the well-being or safety of others, he/she will be sent to the office. Mrs. Koch will communicate to parents about classroom behavior on an as-needed basis.

3 Literacy Two reading assessments during first quarter:
DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) These assessments help us choose appropriate books for reading instruction. **We will discuss results during first quarter parent-teacher conferences.**

4 Homework begins mid-September
Weekly reading log Read for minutes each night. Discuss prompts. Find and discuss weekly Word Study features. Raz-Kids and Dreambox Later in the year, these programs will be used to reinforce skills and practice concepts introduced in the classroom. These require internet connection and a password will be provided.

5 BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology)
Be sure to read the entire Acceptable Use Policy located on page 1 of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. This can be found on the LCPS district webpage under Quick Links. There are two forms (yellow and green) included in the parent packet (Signature Form and Student/Parent Technology Usage Form). Both MUST be signed. First Grade classes will participate in BYOT a few times during the school year. Parents will be informed by the teacher when it is an appropriate time to bring technology for use in the classroom. We are hoping to use BYOT during portions of our Project-Based Learning activities. Devices Include: iPods iPad/Tablet Kindles/Reading Devices

6 Special Activities Star Student (weekly) Begins in September
Star Student will create a poster and a bring mystery show-and-tell. Schedule will be posted on my webpage. Field Trip More information to come!

7 Attendance and After-School Plans
Please make sure that your child eats a healthy breakfast and arrives on time each day. Your child must bring a note in the morning in order to change after-school dismissal arrangements. If there are last minute (during the school day) changes to your child’s after-school transportation plans, please contact the office (DO NOT RELY ON !) If you plan to pick up your child early, please contact the office BEFORE 12:00 if possible, or send a note in the morning.

8 Lunch 10:30-11:00 Please practice lunch numbers over the weekend.
Ice cream may be purchased on Fridays with enough money in lunch account. Menu is available on LCPS website and includes payment information. Please discuss choices and monitor account!

9 Snacks Snack will be eaten mid-afternoon.
Must be something that the child can open independently and eat in five to ten minutes Healthy snacks, please! Students may bring water bottles. NUT FREE products only!

10 Parties and Birthdays Three classroom parties Birthdays
Harvest Party (October), Friendship Party (February) End-of-Year Party (June) Birthdays Non-edible birthday items ONLY Donate a game or book to the class **If you are going to pass out invitations at school, you MUST pass them out to everyone.**

11 School Health Office Used for emergencies ONLY! Minor cuts , scrapes, stuffy/runny noses, and general complaints will be handled by teacher. ALL medications (EVEN COUGH DROPS) need to be kept in the school health office. Students are NOT allowed to keep medications with them. Have further questions? Alyson Kreitzman, our school health nurse.

12 Volunteer Opportunities
Please sign up to let me know your interests! All parents new to volunteering MUST complete a brief training session with Mrs. Kim or Ms. Davis before volunteering in the classroom.

13 Please sign up for your conference TONIGHT!
Conferences Will be on November 6th . First quarter progress report will be discussed during these conferences. Please sign up for your conference TONIGHT!

14 Communication School Newsletter Connect Ed
Twitter Weekly Newton-Lee Envelope (Thursday folder) Daily Purple Take Home Folder

15 Mrs. Koch’s Webpage

16 NLE PTO Rocks! Special Activities Special Programs
Materials and Equipment-NEW PLAYGROUND!! Volunteer Opportunities Sign up for PT Board and please join the PTO and become an active member of our NLE community!

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