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“ Youth Making an impact in the fight against HIV and AIDS”

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1 “ Youth Making an impact in the fight against HIV and AIDS”
SANAC Youth Summit “ Youth Making an impact in the fight against HIV and AIDS”

2 Report on SANAC and Youth Sector and the implementation of the National Strategic Plan 0n HIV and AIDS (NSP) Presenter: Dr Nomonde Mqhayi Designation : SANAC Plenary member and SAYC Deputy President

3 Introduction Background
Cabinet is the highest political authority. Responsibility for dealing with ongoing HIV and AIDS related matters has been deferred to the Inter- Ministerial Committee on AIDS ( IMC) composed of eight Ministers SANAC is a national multisectoral response to HIV and AIDS it is managed by organized structures at different levels in Government and the Civil Society . . SANAC is the highest national body that provides strategic and political guidance as well as support and monitoring sector programmes.

4 SANAC operates at three levels through:
A high level council – Chaired by the Deputy President Sector level co – ordination - with sectors taking responsibility for their own Organisation, strategic plans, programmes, monitoring and reporting to SANAC Programme level organization – led by the social cluster of government.

5 SANAC Committees Resource Mobilization Committee
Programme Implementation Committee Prevention Task Team Treatment , Care and Support Task team on communication

6 National Strategic Plan
The National Strategic Plan (NSP) is an implementation tool of SANAC The NSP represents a broad consensus position with a detailed outline of national interventions and targets . Lead agencies have been identified that should take responsibility for the execution of and attainment of different elements of the Plan . It is a document that seeks to guide the national response and should be used by all government departments, the private sector, civil society and development partners to assist the country reach the desired goals of halving new infections and reducing the impact of HIV and AIDS on individuals , families and society.

7 There are Four Key Priorities
Prevention Treatment , Care and Support Research, Monitoring and Surveillance Human Rights and Access to Justice Guiding Principles Supportive Leadership Effective Communication Effective Partnerships Promoting Social change and cohesion Sustainable programmes and funding

8 Youth Sector The youth sector is represented by Three members from the national executive committee of the South African Youth Council led by the President. The South African Youth Council is a civil society organization constituted by youth structures from the Political formations, Faith based , Issue based Youth with disability ,Community Based Organizations, Non Governmental Organizations etc.

9 Youth Summit 2007 The Youth Sector Held its Summit in March 2007 in Durban at the Royal Hotel and Sector Implementation Plan Summit in Gauteng at Birchwood Conference Centre in 2008

10 Prevention ABC messages Should be re-emphasized among youth
Youth programmes should be grounded on ABC ABC may be misleading; perhaps the C should not be emphasized, as it may increase unfaithfulness. Behavioural change People may not be ready to change Parents are not openly telling their children what is right and wrong. Parents need to talk to their children. Young men should reduce the number of sexual partners.

11 Treatment ,Care and Support
Access Improve accessibility of services, also more information dissemination in understandable language Consider people with disabilities; Make sure to include this sector. Government increase targeted percentage on treatment to 80%. Rolling out of ART is important

12 Research, Monitoring and Surveillance
Clarification of what is meant by “Research” Research is the backbone of formation of Policy. It is a method of collecting information; an exploration and investigation. Examples of research were provided. The purpose of research is to gain knowledge and inform interventions The purpose is to answer the question: Are we doing the right thing?

13 Human Rights and Access to Justice
Recommendations The DoH adopts the 14 – 35 year age band according to national youth policy framework and the national youth constitution The section only covers human and legal rights. Where do socio –economic rights fall in? Does the macro-economic environment enable young people to attain their rights? Is there a legal framework for issues pertinent for young people e.g.? Is the legal framework that protect against stigmatization and how enforceable is it? There should be protection for OVC rights to guarantee access to – rights to claim parents employee benefits; security of tenure Provision for minor children in terms of guardianship and attainment of major status in child-headed households SMME’s - what policies are in place to protect young people infected and affected – as they constitute the bulk of those employed within SM

14 Challenges facing the Youth
Socio- Economic Poverty Lack of access to education Unemployment Poor access to health care services Lack of Skills

15 Orphans rights often violated by guardians
Human Rights and Access to Justice Juvenile offenders Orphans rights often violated by guardians Violation of basic human rights Victimization Lack of access to justice services

16 Psychological Loss of support systems Discrimination

17 Strengths Diverse groupings Human Resource
Multi Skilled ( Professionals) Civil Society Accessible through various media

18 Programmes Gauteng Eastern Cape Western Cape Limpopo Kwa- Zulu Natal
Partnership with GDoH on Peer Counselling Eastern Cape Partneship with the The ECDoH on Awareness Western Cape Limpopo Kwa- Zulu Natal North West Northern Cape

19 Recommendations Tools for conducting objective impact studies
Identify tools for monitoring and Evaluation Tools for conducting objective impact studies Programmes to meet the targets set by the NSP Funding the Structure Representation in all sub committees of SANAC Having Alternates to ensure representation when one member is not available Build a strong lobbying and advocacy unit for the infected and the affected. Skills development for the youth Encourage youth to study in fields of Research, Epidemiology, Law, Health etc Conduct studies to monitor the impact of the Intervention Strategies Strengthen and support existing intervention strategies Action Plan

20 Identify gaps in existing programmes.
Strengthen and support existing intervention strategies Identify new Intervention strategies guided by the Impact studies Evaluate progress on the targets set by the NSP Adopt programmes in each Key Priority area that will be run by Youth structures at prevention level and draw up an Action Plan Partnering with various government departments to develop intervention strategies and adopt programmes address aspects unique to their departments .

21 Conclusion The Youth of this country are an answer to the HIV and AIDS epidemic. It begins with an individual vowing to be an ambassadors for the HIV and AIDS by practicing the principles of ABC. Within the youth sector exists a huge potential to produce a cure through research and specialising in varius fields of study. We equally have a responsibilty to populuirise the NSP and cascade the information to the most remote areas in our country and angage in Programmes identified in the Key Priority Areas.

22 Thank you

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