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Schools Forum Update Julian Wooster DCS.

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Presentation on theme: "Schools Forum Update Julian Wooster DCS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schools Forum Update Julian Wooster DCS

2 Update for Schools Forum
CAF 01 – the LA decision How we are addressing the High Needs deficit recovery plan Progress to date Future plans Options for Schools Forum

3 CAF 01 Contribution to residential placements of children looked after with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) (The LA has the final decision, but it is good practice to inform Forum and ask for a view) Reasons for taking the decision To redress the low number of CLA jointly funded by the CSC and High Needs Block where the young person has an EHCP, including young people placed in a CSE specialist residential. To bring Somerset into line with other local authorities’ use of High Needs Block of the DSG The costs are based on actual placements and we expect these will reduce with the Inclusion Strategy Most of the residential units have an holistic educational approach – reflecting the children’s difficult school experiences

4 Underpinning Model of Integrated Education, Health & Care Provision

5 CAF 01 Actuals to be based on Individual Children
SCENARIO CSC : Education Current Number Current Comparable costs Proposed Number Proposed Costs 1. 50% : 50% 10 £644,848 20 £1,910,323 2. 90% : 10% £0 15 £233,451 3. 90% : 10% 8 £140,392 4. 90% : 10% £200,000 19 £392,055 Totals £844,848 £2,676,221

6 5 Key spend areas in 18/19 within the High Needs Block
£1.0 m ? £2.0 m ? £2.0 m ? DSG HN budget £49.7m

7 1. Place funding & Independent fees Combined £21.145m
Cost drivers Constraints Number of planned places at £10k each for pre 16 special and £6k per place for resource bases Number of planned places at £6k each at FE Number of placements made in Independent schools Pupil need type and level of need Planned place rates are determined by EFSA Placement over planned numbers must be funded in full (pro rata) EFSA funding is lagged Market driven- requires individual contract management Opportunities £2m Mitigation and savings measures Capital investment in special schools places, free school bids or expansions for less expensive Local state funded- all ages Focussed 50% reduction in day places Joint funding for complex children and young people day or residential Regional approach to framework commissioning, develop market and new providers Mainstream inclusion as first choice- support inclusive practice and increasing use of teaching schools to help develop School to school support Further develop place planning across all phases -reduce unused places/agree occupancy /all band 1 and 2 to mainstream Review most expensive independent placements , INM project plan Improve contract monitoring and oversight & link to casework Improve on framework placements Use of personal budgets and personalisation Utilise all funding opportunities inc Free school bids 1. Place funding & Independent fees Combined £21.145m 245 Independent placements (181 day/ 64 residential) 660 Special schools places 197 PRU places for day 6 permanent exclusion and medical 58 Specialist resource bases 382 FE college places – element 2 place funding 10% current special school places ½ Total 26 of the 38 will potentially move within 3 years 22 could move subject to agreement by 2019 11 could move subject to agreement by 2020 8 could move subject to agreement by 2021

8 2. Alternative provision – partnership £4.70m
Cost drivers Constraints Partnership places cost 3.5 times as much as AWPU plus notional Increased year on year number of permanent exclusions (101+) increasing primary Full time entitlement Pupil need type and level of need 80% funding on KS3 & 4 pupils Day 6 requirement for permanent exclusions Slow pace of achievable change Agreed strategic direction across age phases Historical culture Zero tolerance behaviour policies Opportunities £2m Mitigation and savings measures Develop strategic approach to behaviour support with outreach at KS1, 2 and 3 Invest in early intervention resourced provision Peer panel to gatekeep places Year 11s to early college Reduce partnership places Reinvest for early intervention Agree zero exclusion policy Retain YP on roll at all times - AWPU funding remains in system Exclusion “charge” for high excluders School to school support & challenge Develop shared aligned outreach 2. Alternative provision – partnership £4.70m Pupil referral unit partnership places School commissioned partnership places including year 11 (£4.1m) Outreach support: PRU outreach (£622,000) 80% of funding in ks3/4 161 places and 51 Year 11’s

9 4. Services £5.9m Cost drivers Constraints Opportunities -£1.0m
Number of statutory assessment requests made (EP’s, VI/HI ) Accurate case recording and tracking Parental expectations and confidence Expertise in mainstream/local special schools Retention and recruitment of specialist staff Slow pace of achieving change Historical commitments and expectations Opportunities £1.0m Mitigation and savings measures Align services and achieve management efficiencies Explore co located and integrated teams through co -production Develop collaborative approaches to further upskill SENCO’s and teachers through workforce development Mainstream inclusion as first choice- support inclusive practice Flexible approaches –personal budgets Plus 2% consultation (see Top up) Review Learning support centres Develop school to school support and use of teaching schools Explored pooled budgets and shared service costs with CCG Develop shared aligned outreach School to school support & challenge Inclusion resources; Learning centres (£200,000) Learning support (£589,200) ASC communications (588,800) Ed Psych’s (£1,219,00) HI and VI (£1.089,800) PIMS (£528,100) Portage (£318,400) SEND integration (£226,100) Area SENCOs (EY) (£560,200) Special school outreach (£366,900) Support for SENse (£100,000) Hospital provision ( £237,900) OT (£125,400)

10 Progress to date (appendix 1 of agenda item 5)
Implementation of a universal banding system from September (£0.3m previously seeing a 5-10% increase per annum) The PRU review (£0.3m) Investment in additional specialist places (cost avoidance of independent day placements (£0.2m) Closure of off site ASD bases (£0.2m) Reduction in funding for vulnerable pupils from High Needs (where schools receive funding via proxy indicators) £0.1m Utilising one off opportunities form CSSB (£1.2m) The full year affect of some of the above will apply to 2019/20.

11 DSG recovery plan 2018 – 2022 At the consultation briefings, the LA presented a slide showing that it would take 3 years to balance the DSG, including the financial imperative programme The recovery plan was based on assumptions that included a transfer of 0.5% from the Schools Block in 2019/20 and 2020/21 If the transfer is not supported then the DSG recovery plan would take a minimum of another financial year to balance 2022/23 This is beyond the DfE expectations of the LA setting a recovery plan to balance the DSG within 3 years as per the recent consultation DfE may be inclined to direct actions required to the LA and Schools Forum to achieve a balanced DSG in context of a large CSSB and discretionary spend in HNB if no commitment shown (Please hold that thought for agenda item 9 later in the meeting) 18 plans have not been received to date In context of a 78% increase in assessment requests from 2013 to 2018

12 Options for Schools Forum
Transfer up to 0.5% from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block for 2019/20  Ask SCC to apply to the Secretary of State for a block transfer above 0.5% in 2020/21 to address the deficit. Agree not to increase the top-up funding by the planned 2% in April 2019 Reduce spend/cease services to release funding to address High Needs funding pressures Or a combination of the above

13 Any Questions?

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