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A Republican Era Big on Business Big on Progress

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1 A Republican Era Big on Business Big on Progress
Presidents of 1920’s A Republican Era Big on Business Big on Progress

2 Warren Harding 1921 - 1923 “Return to Normalcy”
Landslide victory in 1920 election. Promised low taxes, higher tariffs, restriction on immigration, and aid to farmers Brought in the “Ohio Gang” – friends from Ohio who had supported his campaign. TEAPOT DOME SCANDAL – corruption in government.

3 Calvin Coolidge 1923 - 1929 Inherited office
Appointed new attorney general to “weed out” the Ohio Gang. Smooth and Silent style appreciated by public. Faith in American Business “the chief business of America is business” Tax cuts to business (trickle down theory) Output of industry nearly doubled during his presidency but many suffered: farmers and unionized workers.

4 Herbert Hoover Believed in “rugged individualism” – through work and diligence the American dream could become possible. Six months after taking office the Stock Market crashed and the Depression began. With the depression came “Hoovervilles” – shacks made out of discarded lumber and cardboard in which homeless families lived.

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