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Politics & Business in the 1920’s

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1 Politics & Business in the 1920’s

2 “A Return to Normalcy” This became Warren G. Harding’s campaign slogan when he accidentally messed up the word, “Normality” Americans loved it and elected him

3 Fighting the Recession
After WWI, 2 million soldiers were looking for work Factories were closing because they were no longer getting orders for wartime goods from European nations

4 The Teapot Dome Scandal
Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall accepted a bribe to lease government land to oil executives One of these areas was called “Teapot Dome” in Wyoming Fall was sent to prison

5 Warren G. Harding Very popular because he “didn’t do anything”
Let the country heal economically and emotionally Died two years into his term - August 2, 1923 Public mourning He was very popular at that time

6 Vice President Calvin Coolidge Becomes President
“Silent Cal” spoke and spent little (Harding loved to throw parties and give long speeches) He forced corrupt officials to resign He was re-elected in 1924 with the slogan “Keep Cool With Coolidge”

7 Coolidge and Business Coolidge cut regulations on businesses
Americans’ incomes rose People began to buy refrigerators, radios, vacuums, and other appliances Businesses began to advertise their products “The business of America is business.”

REPUBLICAN FISCAL PROGRAM REPUBLICAN ECONOMY SUPPORTED LAISSEZ FAIRE & BIG BUSINESS… $ = + + Lower Taxes Less Federal Higher Strong Spending Tariffs National Economy Fordney-McCumber Tariff Hawley-Smoot Tariff raised the tariff to an unbelievable 60%!!!

Trade THE DAWES PLAN U.S. 1. US loans Germany money to pay reparations 3. Allies pay back US with money from Germany US needs strong nations with which to trade TRADING NATIONS ARE PEACEFUL NATIONS Germany England & France 2. Germany pays back allies on agreed upon lower rate

10 American Foreign Policy in the 1920s
Most Americans (including Harding and Coolidge) wanted to remain “isolationist” HOWEVER: 1. U.S. still needed to protect interests in Mexico 2. U.S. gave $10 million to aid Russia during a famine 3. U.S. still signed the “Kellogg-Briand Pact” with 61 other nations (which outlawed war)

11 Red Scare Americans feared that Communist Revolution in Russia would spill into U.S.

12 Palmer Raids Americans were paranoid after the Russian Revolution in 1917. Alexander Mitchell Palmer was appointed in 1919 to arrest communists, socialists, and anarchists. Named J. Edgar Hoover as his Assistant 10,000 suspected communists were arrested, many without warrants. 600 were deported.

13 Nativism Anger against foreigners led to a new move to limit immigration. Nativism: Anti- foreign feeling.

14 Quota System System that limited immigration.
Allowed only a certain number of immigrants from certain countries. “America must be kept American”

15 Ku Klux Klan Strongly supported efforts to limit immigration. The new Klan terrorized immigrants.

16 Klan membership was 3,000,000–6,000,000 in the 1920s 

17 Women Gain the Right to Vote
19th Amendment in gave women the right to vote Carrie Chapman Catt set up the League of Women Voters This group tried to educate voters and ensure the right of women to serve on juries

18 “The Noble Experiment”
Prohibition 18th Amendment A national(Constitutional) ban on the sale, production, and transport of alcohol, from to 1933.

19 The Prohibition Experiment
Reason it failed Lacking of government enforcement People wanted to enjoy their life Most immigrants did not see it as a sin, but rather as a part of socializing

20 The Prohibition Experiment
Speakeasies, Bootleggers and Organized Crime Drinking went undergrounds to Speakeasies Consumption of alcohol may have increased Bootleggers profit from selling illegal liquor Helped contributed to the rise of organized crime

21 Al Capone

22 The 21st Ammendment Repealed Prohibition in 1933.
Prohibition Ends The 21st Ammendment Repealed Prohibition in 1933.

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