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TIK4040 – Research and Design Seminar

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Presentation on theme: "TIK4040 – Research and Design Seminar"— Presentation transcript:

1 TIK4040 – Research and Design Seminar
The practical stuff: What happens this semester. Submitting your thesis – What, how and when.

2 1- What happens this semester?
January – March/April: External methods courses for TIK (exams? Check the semester page for each course) February: TIK4040 lectures: Intro, methods, presentation of TIK research. February – May Specialization courses (TIK4011/TIK4021) ESST seminar groups March/May (ESST/TIK): Apply for supervisor April-May: TIK seminar groups May 6th-13th: Exams: TIK4011/TIK4021 (Specializations courses) June 1st: Exam: TIK4040 (thesis outline)

3 Presentation of TIK research
Time and place: Feb 16th, Auditorium 5. Time Speaker Title 14.15 Kristin Asdal (STS) The Little Tools of Valuation 14.25 Susanne Bauer (STS) Ethnographies of infrastructure: Do algorithms remake society? 14.35 Magnus Gulbrandsen (Innovation) TBA 14.45 Taran Thune (Inn) The SIVAC project 14.55 Fulvio Castellacci (Inn) The Happy-ICT and SusValueWaste projects 15.05 – 15.15 COFFEE BREAK 15.15 Hilde Reinertsen (STS) Does aid work? 15.25 Allan D. Andersen (Inn) Transitions and renewable energy studies at TIK 15.35 Helge Ryggvik Norwegian oil and the carbon budget 15.45 Jan Fagerberg (Inn) The Triple Challenge for Europe: Economic Development, Climate Change, and Governance 15.55 Irene Ø. Tvedten (STS) How do actors in the Green coastal shipping programme work to enable a green transition in the Norwegian maritime industry? 16.05 Anita Wold (The Science Shop) Master projects in The Science Shop

4 The TIK4040 seminar groups Group 1: TIK Innovation 1 (Tuukka) - Alexander, Anna Maria, Cyriac, Inger Johanne, Asifa, Silje Group 2: TIK Innovation 2 (Tuukka) – Kristin, Sindre, Torgeir, Sondre, Stine Group 3: TIK STS (Irene) - Kayhan, Ingrid, Silje Rebecca, Lasse, Frans Joakim Group 4: ESST Innovation (Håkon) - Lars, Robin, Marie-Theres, Stian, Maria, Per, Marc Group 5: ESST STS (Hilde) – Tobias, Anne Guro, Knut, Kristina The point: Get started on your master thesis, and help each other!

5 Supervision Individual supervision Fill out a supervision contract
ESST: 30 hours TIK: 45 hours NB! This includes the supervisor’s time for preparing, reading, etc.. Fill out a supervision contract Keep one copy, give one to the front office in office 517 (Anders/Bente).

6 How to obtain a supervisor
Apply by filling out the web-based form: ESST: TIK: These will be posted on the semester page. Application deadline: ESST: March 1st TIK: May 1st You’ll get a supervisor within 2 weeks.

7 The thesis outline Deadline: June 1st
What to write? For non-norwegian ESST students:

8 2. Submitting your thesis – what, how and when.
ESST-students Time What? Where March 1st, 2016 Apply for supervisor TIK June 1st, 2016 Submit thesis outline September 28th, 2016 Submit thesis for printing Reprosentralen October 3rd, 2016 Submit thesis (digitally + paper version) November, 2016 Receive grade and evaluation TIK – by Dec. 2016/ Jan. 2017 Receive Diploma The SV Faculty – by snail mail Congrats, you have a masters degree!

9 2. Submitting your thesis – deadlines & formalities
TIK-students Time What? Where May 1st, 2016 Apply for supervisor TIK June 1st, 2016 Submit thesis outline May 25th, 2017 Submit thesis for printing Reprosentralen May 29th, 2017 Submit thesis (digitally + paper version) June-August, 2017 Receive grade and evaluation TIK – by August/September, 2017 Receive Diploma The SV Faculty – by snail mail Congrats, you have a masters degree!

10 That was the how and when, what about the what?
I hope Fulvio covered this… For all the practical stuff, check out our «Masteroppgaven» websites! ESST: TIK:

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