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George Eliot Real name- Mary Ann Evans Pen name- George Eliot

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1 George Eliot Real name- Mary Ann Evans Pen name- George Eliot
Born-1819, Died-1880 Childhood happy- mother died early- father affectionate-Education –Private Tutor Controversial private life- lived with George Henry Lewes without marrying him.- he died in 1878 Later married John Walter Cross- but she died in 1880. Society criticized her for her moral behaviour.

2 Literary Contribution
First novel-Adam Bede (1859)- popular 1860-The Mill on the floss 1861- Silas Marner, the weaver of Reveloe 1862- Romola 1871-Middlemarch 1876-Daniel Deronda

3 Silas Marner Characters:
Silas Marner-linen weaver, religious man, unmarried, theft accusation-excommunication from Lantern Yard-move to Raveloe- worked hard- accumulated wealth- gold stolen- found a girl child- Eppie story. Squire Cass- richest landlord of Raveloe-father of three son- Godfrey, Dunstan & Bob

4 Characters Godfrey Cass- elder son of Squire-secretly marry Molly Farren-low class girl-has a daughter-wants to marry another rich girl-woo her-later marry Nancy Lammeter-childless-tells secret of first marriage- wants to bring back Eppie-but she does not forgive Dunstan Cass- second son-rogue-finds gold with Marner-went to him for asking loan-oneday stole gold-dies with punishment

5 Characters Nancy Lammeter- belongs to good family- marry Godfrey-an ideal wife-forgive husband-accepts Eppie as child Eppie- daughter of Godfrey & Molly Farren-adopted by Marner-married Aaron Winthrop-decide to live with Marner-disagree Godfrey. Molly Farren-belongs to low class-Godfrey marry secretly-but abandon her-has a daughter- addiction of opium- decides to blackmail him-die on the snow near the cottage of Silas Marner

6 Characters Dolly Winthrop- generous woman-helps Silas Marner after lost of his gold-even helps in bringing up Eppie-later youngest son marry her. Aaron Winthrop- good natured- friend of Eppie-marry her.

7 Outline of the Novel A cloth weaver Silas Marner- living in Lantern Yard-big industrial town-weaving yarn into linen on handloom-belongs to Methodist sect of Christianity- deeply religious-donating large amount in the church. Develop an intimacy with a servant girl, Sarah-want to marry. But his friend William Dane-jealous-alleged theft of church money-Marner proved guilty-hatred in the mind of sarah-later she married William Dane. Loss of prestige-left Lantern yard-move to far off village Raveloe.

8 Outline of the Novel Marner settled down in the village-in a cottage near the stone pits-resume the work-occupation flourish-hoard a large amount of guineas-store in a whole under floor. Dunstan Cass passed by the cottage-want to ask loan-Marner was not present-trace guineas-rob all. But fell in the pit-drowned. Silas Marner becomes very unhappy-report villagers-report to police-suspicion on a pedlar who sells wares.

9 Outline of the Novel Disappointed Marner-miserable life-resume the work Days passed-on New Year’s Eve, snowing outside, a two year old girl stood before Marner-he thought gold-ask for parents-traces her footprint-went to snow covered-found girl’s mother-died-behind bush-called villagers-buried. Dead woman was wife of Godfrey Cass-eldest son of rich family of Raveloe-marry Molly Farren secretly-keep secret-has a daughter-now wants to marry Nancy-daughter of well-to-do farm owner Mr. Lammeter.

10 Outline of the Novel Molly disappointed-drug addicted- died while walking on the snow with two years old daughter in her arms-due to drug effect-fallen on the snow and died. Walking towards Red House-expose her relation to Squire Cass-so that action against Godfrey taken-her intention to blackmail. When Marner brings little girl to Red House-he recognized- too recognized dead wife-but pretend unknown-got married Nancy-Silas Marner adopts Girl

11 Outline of the Novel After sixteen years- Nancy did not have any child. Godfrey feels lonely-needs a child-reminds daughter. Discovery of Dunstan’s dead body-only skeleton after sixteen years. Gold found near him in the pits. Godfrey told secret of Molly and daughter. Nancy kindhearted woman-forgive Godfrey-ready to accept Eppie. They went for owning girl-he produced all proofs and evidences.

12 Outline of the Novel Eppie rejected the proposal-live with Marner.
Marry with Aaron Winthrop-live with Marner in his cottage even after marriage. Godfrey expends money on the marriage-keeps secret for entire village.

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