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Mrs. Lindsey’s Weekly Blast

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1 Mrs. Lindsey’s Weekly Blast
December 17th, 2018 Don’t Forget! Read with your child each night! Keep a running list of flash cards for our Word Wall Words: I, can, the, we, see, a, like, to, and, go, you, do! Practice Sight Word Toucan Folders each night! We Are Learning About… Reading: We will review the letters Ii, Nn, Cc, Oo and Dd and the sight words and, do, go, to, you. We will ask and answer questions about stories we read to help us understand them better. We will use all reading strategies we have learned so far to help us stretchy snake words successfully. Reading Essential Question: How do people around the world celebrate the holidays? Writing: We will practice printing our review letters, as well as writing sentences to explain the holidays around the world we learn about! Math: We will finish GoMath Chapter 5: Addition and get some extra addition practice before break! Science: We will continue to discuss matter and how it can be changed. Social Studies: We will focus on the Hawks Rise Character Trait Boldness, which will be a school-wide focus! We will also continue to discuss the Holiday Season and how things we want are different from things we need. We will also continue learning about holidays around the world by adding Italy and Korea to the places we travel! Important Dates Dec. 17th: GoMath Chapter 5 Addition Test Dec. 19th: Grinch Day: wear green to school! Dec. 20th: Holiday Party 9:00AM Dec. 21st: Polar Express Day; Student Holiday Bags going home; Early Release 12:20 Jan. 8th: Students return

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