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Classroom expectations and procedures
August 15th 2012 Classroom expectations and procedures
Classroom Procedures We use procedures to make everyday tasks efficient. Practicing the class procedures will allow for the classroom to run smoother and allows us for more time to do other things such as hands on labs. The effective use of procedures allows for a safe student environment.
Classroom Entry Procedure
When the classroom door is closed the students should wait quietly outside of the classroom for Ms. Braget to return or open the door. If the door is open the students should enter the classroom in an orderly fashion, take out their supplies, and sit in their seats. Once seated each student should quietly begin working on the daily warm-up posted on the board or projector and wait for further instruction.
Class and Homework submission Procedure
When homework or projects are due, the assignments should be placed in the bin assigned to that class period upon entering the classroom. If classwork or tests are collected during the class period, the student should place their completed work in the bin assigned to their class period in a quiet manner so that the other students are not disturbed. If Ms. Braget instructs assignments to be collected in a different way the students should listen to and follow the instructions carefully.
Warm-up You should write the question for each warm-up in a pre-made warm-up notebook. Write in your answer choice and wait for us to go over the warm-up together. Correct your answer if the choice you made was wrong and place the warm-up back in your assigned folder. The warm up questions will be VERY SIMILAR to the questions you will see on your midterm and final.
Composition Notebook Notes, reviews, outlines, etc. will all be written in your composition notebook. This notebook will be turned in for grades throughout the year.
Late assignment submission
If an assignment is not completed the day it is due, the student should pick up a late assignment submission slip from Ms. Braget’s desk. The form should be filled out and attached to the front of the assignment when it is turned in. Assignments that are one day late will only receive 75% of the total earned points. Assignments that are 2 plus days late will only receive 50% of the total earned points.
Make-up work Make-up from excused absences will be completed and turned in as outlined in the Green Cove Springs Jr. High student handbook. It is the responsibility of the student to make up work missed during an absence. The student should contact Ms. Braget and make individual arrangements for completing the work missed.
Make-up work cont. Work for the days absent must be made up within three days for a one-day absence and double the days absent for more than one day's absence. Pre-assigned work is due on the day the student returns to school unless otherwise pre-arranged by the teacher.
Returned tests or assignment
Any returned work that has been graded will be placed in your designated folder. You must then record the assignment name and the grade received on the Grade tracker form.
Bathroom Procedures The student may ask for permission to use the bathroom during the class period however, bathroom passes will not be given out during the first and last ten minutes of class. The student must use their agenda book as their pass and sign out on the white board assigned in the classroom. When you arrive back in the classroom replace the pass, wipe off the white board and then return to your seat quietly. At any time Ms. Braget has the right to question the student if there is indication of bathroom pass abuse.
Hall, Nurse, water and office passes
Hall and office passes will be given to students when needed. The student must fill out their student agenda pass book and the classroom pass log. Nurse passes will require a specific clinic form to be filled out. Ms. Braget has Band-Aids for minor cuts. Only one person is allowed out of the room at a time unless there is an emergency situation.
Emergency Plan In case of emergency situations or drills students should remain calm and quiet. This allows for each Ms. Braget to hear instructions over the intercom or phone system and the other classmates to listen for and follow any instructions given. If an emergency involves Ms. Braget, please have assigned student(s) notify nearest teacher and front office immediately. Failure to follow instructions such as be quiet during a lock down/tornado drill will result in disciplinary action.
Classroom visitors Throughout the year the classroom may have visitors. These visitors can range from other teachers to administrators. When somebody visits the classroom, the students should continue working on their assigned tasks and classroom procedures should run as normal.
Other item notes Students may get up to sharpen pencils, blow their noses, and throw away trash quietly throughout the class period without asking for permission. The black bin can is for paper items only RECYCLE RECYCLE RECYCLE!!!
4th Period-Cafeteria Students will eat at their assigned table during lunch. They will use the bathroom facilities and clear their trash during their 25 minute lunch time. When the 25 minute lunch is over I will come and dismiss my class from their table. Students are to wait for me to leave the cafeteria. Once dismissed the students should collect their trash, push in their chairs, and proceed to the designated waiting area. Students will walk with Ms. Braget back to the classroom in an orderly and quiet fashion.
4th Period- Reading Time cont.
Once back in the classroom, we will begin the mandatory reading time. There are books in Ms. Braget’s classroom library but students should be going to the media center and public libraries to get books to read to earn the mandatory AR points for Language Arts class. Only 2 students are allowed to go to the media center during reading time, so please sign up early.
4th Period- Reading Time cont.
If you take a book out of the classroom library you must place a placeholder in the spot where the book was and replace the book in that spot when you are done with it. Ms. Bragets’ books do not leave Ms. Braget’s Room. Reading time is not to be used for socializing, completing homework, sleeping, or just sitting in the room.
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